Feelings hidden, emotions forbidden, a poem/ prose is written
At times when you think that you have failed at everything, you have really just succeeded. You have realized that you are not perfect, that not everything turns out just right in life.
Think about all the good things you have done, the good times in your life. You have definitely made a difference in someone else’s life, you just don’t know it – I can guarantee it. If you are reading this blog, you have made a difference in my life.
Think about this: How can I do any better? What can I do to make a difference, to help more people, to change the world, one small step at a time?
Think about the future, not the past. Hope for the best, not the worst.
Believe in yourself and you too can make a difference in the world.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Joel Burns tells gay teens "it gets better" | Video on TED.com
Incredible people
Some people are just so nice. Like you seriously won't believe it. It's really cool and unbelievable. So today I was sorting through the applications for TEDx and we had to cut some people. Actually it wasn't even cutting them so that they couldn't go to the event, all it was is that we would move them to the satellite event. So instead of being able to attend the live event they attend a broadcast of it simultaneously. So it's not that bad. However everyone was still having a tough time choosing. One guy was or is probably, no just IS the most nicest, kindest guy with the biggest heart ever. He's seriously amazing. Like it's incredible the things he does. He is willing to take money out of his own pocket to help others, and I mean, he's not rich or anything. He just wants to help. He's just amazing. I just thought I'd have to mention that.
That's all.
I guess, there are so many incredible people in this world. If everyone was like them the world would be a better place. Can we all try and do one thing? Try to make someone's day, even by simply doing something like say hi, or something behind the scenes. Help someone not because you want something in return, not because you want the acknowledgement, help someone because you want to make the world a better place.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Ooooh life’s gooood!
I'm really tired
… oh my gooooood
No wonder why, its 11!
I need to sleep
I have to go downtown again tomorrow.
So today I went downtown to U of T with the bio class and we went to the Gairdner Awards Ceremony. It was pretty cool. Two guys spoke, William Caterall and Calvin Stihler… I think that's how you spell it. Caterall is a student of the guy who found Krebs cycle! The guy who made us memorize the whole thing! Anyways, the talks were actually pretty cool, it was general stuff and all, but it was cool.
~last Christmas! I gave you my heart and the very next day!~ sorry I was just listening to the song and I couldn't help it
We also went in a first year chemistry class … I think it was chemistry. But either way… I think I'm starting to decide against going to U of T…. iunno. It's still a hard decision.
I really really really want to go out and just take pictures! You know what. I think I'm going to bring my dslr downtown tomorrow. I just want to take pictures. But that will be so weird, bringing it downtown. Iunno, we'll see. My G12 isn't bad either. The pictures don't look so good on the screen and the feeling comparative to the XSi is really bad, but overall the camera is awesome. I think I have too high of standards. Like when I look at the picture after on the computer, I realize its really good. So yeah. But the feel of the dslrs are just soo wow. Yeah lol.
I need to do some homework, and also lots of planning for extra curriculars. Like seriously a lot of planning.
Hmm I wonder if G12 can do auto-braketing. I hope so.
I want to write too, write some poems. Think about Christmas. Start working on Christmas stuff. That would be so cool!
I have to work… do all my work tomorrow. I wanna go trick-or-picturing! =D
I need a quote
Here is one I came up with a few days ago.
I put it on tumblr.
Oh btw. I've been starting to use tumblr. I wanted to transfer all of my blogposts from blogspot to tumblr. I am having trouble doing that. So I kinda just started posting all the blogspot posts to tumblr, simultaneously. Also Microsoft word cannot publish blog posts to tumblr, so that's also a hassle. I have to copy and paste it.
Anyways, I used tumblr because it seems as if more people are using it and also because I like the layout. I like the plaid-boxed layout. I think its cool.
Check it out:
It's not that hard to figure out… sheesh
Oh here's the quote
Taking a wrong step is better than not taking a step altogether. -> so go take that step and make a difference!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Falling leaves and TD math homework
Lean on me…
When we're not strong~
We all need help
No matter how independent we are, we need others.
Relationships and connections are really important. Without them you go nowhere.
Anyway, that was a weird intro. Today was a weirdish day. I go home thinking that we were going to go out for dinner and find out that we are eating at home. Well, I didn't have much work. I actually only had to do the TD scholarship essay. And possibly math homework. So I was supposed to have plenty of time right? Wrong.
I spent like two hours just cleaning up stuff and organizing. I've been soo messy for the past little while.
I finally finished the TD essay after making it too long, then adding to it, making it longer. Cutting it down, then adding, then cutting it down. It then became 600 words! Yay!
I hope everything goes well. I know there isn't much chance of me getting it. But there's a quote to it.
"You'll see it when you believe it." – Dr. Wayne Dyer
Believe. Belief. Faith. Trust. Commitment. Dedication. Volunteerism!
I was supposed to have done some SAS stuff. But I only got to the preliminaries. I hope I get more stuff done for that. I need to do more. To be honest, I've been putting extra-curriculars aside for a while, I've been too busy with work. It's about time I got caught up and actually start working for it.
I want to do something more than SAS. But I don't know what. Actually I have an idea. I just have to make it happen. But that's going to be hard. So it's not going to happen.
I think homework is first, and I didn't do math homework.
Today I walked to St. Joes. It's been the longest time since I walked there and there were so many leaves on the floor. Not only that, but the wind was strong, so the leaves were blown all over the place and it was so pretty! Too bad I couldn't adjust the shutter speed and do like a three or five frame HDR. Wouldn't that just be perfect?
I don't know
I have so many mixed emotions and feelings this is bad
I don't have time
I'm going to go to sleep. I hate it. Whenever I get too tired, my head hurts like hell. It drives me insane. I can't ignore it sometimes. So I have to go
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
This was supposed to be quick and short, but I guess not
Okay I shouldn't really be posting even
This is gonna be a quick post
I did really bad on the biology multiple choice test from like a month ago. I thought I did good on it. I actually studied a lot and what not. I was confident for once. But I was on the failing mark. Usually whenever I am confident, which is like never, I end up getting a bad mark. Why is that? Its not fair
I have to study for religion. I am not doing good in religion as well. There's so much to study for it. It's supposed to be an easy course, but it's not.
Math is okayish for now
English – no midterms. But we still have that inclass essay to write that is due tomoros period, and I don't think I will finish. Even if I do, the quality is really bad. That means im going to get another bad mark. That's not good.
Well for one good thing, today was daddy's birthday. We went out for dinner at Swiss Chalet. I haven't been there for years, and it was pretty not bad. It was a pretty decent time.
This is really not good
And I feel like I should sleep cause now I have a headache…
Everyone says im doing good. They think I'm doing good, cause apparently I always do. I am really fortunate. I have a lot of encouraging friends, I know a lot of people that can help me with things. Teachers most the time are nice to me, and when I ask they help me. But those are only with the things on the outside. The easy problems. The big problems deep down inside are never going to be solved. Okay that was a bit too dark … let's just scratch that, shall we? – oh boy, I sound like Mrs. A Lamp A Ram Bil
Back to studying
Monday, October 25, 2010
This is an awkwardly weird post.
I feel the need for blogging today
I don't know why
I spent all of last night worrying about math and about marks. I was really not in a good mood today. I was really worried. I am now, but I think ive calmed down a bit. I guess I have to continue to try my best
I'm really proud of myself for not touching the computer until late at night when I have to
I am getting a lot more work done than usual
But I feel bad for extra-curriculars cause I am not putting as much effort into it as I should be
Theres more to say
Theres a lot more
Some I am afraid to mention
Some I want to mention
Some I don't want to admit
But this is all I have to say
That either way
I am me
And I am free
Okay that was just random
Back to homework
Sunday, October 24, 2010
What’s right for me?
How do I know
How can I chose
Who can I count on
Those are all questions
Things that need to be answered
There are always so many mixed opinions
This person wants that for me
That person wants this for me
But what do I want
Should I do this
Should I listen to that person
Or should I do what I want to do
What DO I want to do
I have to make decisions
I have to make them fast
And I have to make them right.
10/24/10 – 1223am
Checking the future, Forgetting the past
It's been a super long time since I've posted… or so it feels like it
But as usual, my excuse is that I have been super busy.
The things that I remember are failing my English essay. My very first English essay of the year .. I actually thought I did good, but I guess I didn't according to my teacher…. I hope I get good soon.
My grades are actually really bad right now. Like seriously bad. That's not good for university. And they look at midterms. That is really not good. I guess what Mrs. Smyth said was right. But I don't know. I feel like extra-curriculars and all that involvement in school hasn't affected it that much. It's been a long time since I've actually done stuff first thing when I got home for extra-curriculars. However, going downtown every Saturday takes away my whole Saturday of work, so that's the only bad thing. But other than that, I haven't done much. Which is good, but its also bad.
On Thursday night I studied the whole night. Surprisingly. Usually when I get home after school I get really tired. I want to take a rest, or I cant focus or something goes wrong and I don't end up doing homework. But for some reason I managed to stay focus and not want to go to sleep. I just studied for biology. I had a quiz the next day and lots of the stuff that I missed while I was at muskoka is on it, and I didn't have the time to catch up. So I turned off the laptop and I studied. I was actually successful in studying. I memorized all that I thought I needed to memorize, however during the quiz on Friday there were some things I didn't know. But either way, I knew a lot of it. I actually memorized all the cycles and processes. It was hard to memorize, well not hard, but time consuming, there were so many terms and so many names and what not. I had to write it out on scrap paper like 3 times each for every process.
Today I went downtown again for Tedx meeting. I went there early to go to the U of T open house. Now I am debating. Like I wanted to go to U of T just cause it's close to home. But then I was like, if I got accepted, I might want to go to residence. But it's expensive and lots of people think its stupid to. But I'd like to get involved, get close to the people there and get used to the atmosphere. Not only that, I don't want to waste time commuting when I could be studying or doing something more productive. But then U of T is also very competitive first year and what not and I'm worried that I will do really bad and might not make it to second year. But I don't know if it will be any different at the other universities. People say it will. But how am I sure? I don't know and I wouldn't. But if I go to the other universities it might be inconvenient, or I might not be used to it cause I am far from home. I don't like that. But I might not want to stay at home either, just cause there are so much distractions here, and also its really loud here, and its not the very best working place. But I think what I really want is to be able to say "I want to go home" and then I can just go, quickly. So yeah. Iunno that's just me.
For some reason I never seem to have enough energy for anything. Like on Sundays I would wake up at like 11am because someone wakes me up and then I do work for an hour or two, and then im tired again, lose focus and want to go to sleep. It's really bad. I need more energy. Let's make more ATP!
Yeah, I'm studying for biology, or I should be at least.
Just wrote another poem
I'm getting distracted
That is not good
Quote time
I haven't done this In a long time
Here is one I wrote a few days ago
"You can't go back in time, and you shouldn't waste time trying to. What's done is done, put your energy towards the future and make it better."
I guess with chosing universities, and almost anything else, you or I at least always think about what would happen if I chose this. Is it the best choice? Should I chose something else instead? Would I regret? I guess I don't really have answers for those things – I never do. But I have to make those choices eventually. And I think what we should really do is not waste time worrying about it and thinking about it after choosing it. I mean it's done. Even if it's a mistake, I've already gone wrong, and thinking about it and wasting time on it will just make it more wrong.
So look forward, look to the future – with an open mind, a big heart and trust in your hopes.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I need to balance, to believe and to work harder
I am currently on the scout for references for award applications. Lots of people seem to think that I will not have a problem with that… maybe I don't. Not as much as some people, but I'm still worrying. I actually can't come up with a decent list of references. The people I have are all teachers, literally, even if its volunteering, its teachers. So that's not very appealing. I need some more like community people references, and I haven't really either volunteered long enough at a place to ask for their reference letter or I have not been there for such a long time that I'm worried about whether or not they will remember me, let alone give me a reference letter.
There's also university applications. I know it's next month, but its soon. Very very soon. And I'm worried. Well not so much about the applications, but more so which university to choose. I don't know where I want to go really. Like I do, but then I don't. that's weird isn't it. Like I want to go somewhere because I like the place, and it's a good school, but then it's really big competition when I get in there, so that will be hard for me. I don't want to go there and fail first year or something, that wont be good, like that will be really really bad. But then there are some people who are telling my mom to NOT recommend me to the bigshot universities cause of the competition and that some teachers there aren't as good and the lack of teacher reaction and blah blah blah. But if I don't go to the top universities, my uncle will disapprove, which is another influence on my mom. Then there are my grandparents who say that if my uncles could do it way back when (30 years ago) when they just arrived and didn't know much English, I can do it now. What type of logical thinking is that. Sheesh
So not only is it hard work and pressure for myself to choose something I want, but there is also the pressure and the factors and influences I have to consider from my friends, parents and family. It's all very terrifying… actually just more confusing. I mean, how can we chose.
Then there's the thing right now. Marks. Some teachers keep on telling us that we will no matter what get into our university of preference. So in that case we don't have to worry about marks that much – they say that knowing that even if we don't worry about marks we will still study and end up getting good marks. They tell us that its no longer the marks that matter in university but the amount of things you know and your knowledge. Which makes sense I guess. But that means that everything ive done all these years is kind of a waste. Just cause we all do so much last minute studying and what not and forget everything really quickly. I mean I have forgotten most of my stuff from last year, not to mention grade 9.
It seems like this year I am not so much concerned… no that's a bad word, I mean not so picky with the marks. Like I have changed my priority list. The marks are not top priority. Well kinda. Like they haven't affected me that much. Well it seems like it at least. I know this is confusing. Bare with me. Like I haven't gone home everyday thinking about marks. This year I have actually focused on studying and just doing better as a person and actually learning more. There have been times either at school or at home where I have said to myself that if I keep this up, my marks will drop… big time. So I'm trying to balance between extra-curriculars… the things I like to do, and also school work and marks and family.
Its really hard actually, especially with family. Like I live with my mom and I have noticed a decrease in the amount of time we spend together and talk. But that's okay because we usually talk a ridiculously large amount of nonsense and spend lots of time together, so a bit of decrease isn't that bad. However the problem is my dad. He doesn't live with me. And I'm worried about his health… life. But because he doesn't live with me its really hard because I don't even have the chance to see him often enough. Like whenever I'm busy hes free, and vice versa. So I really have to go out of my way to be with him, and the times I spend with him seem just boring sometimes. Just cause our lack of agreement on different things and our differing interests. However I sometimes sacrirfice my work time to go out and eat dinner with him or what not. But I guess like last year and the years before that of my life I have not really been like really close with my dad you can say. But to me not close, is pretty close for some people. Like my family relationships haven't been that bad so yeah. Like I've tried more to think in my dad's point of view and see why he would respond to certain things the way he does. I try to keep an open mind basically and it actually works. Ive been able to make better use of the time and end up having a good time when I spend time with him because of it. Like because he is the more laid back and slowed down type, I try to slow myself down and calm myself down. It makes things better.
Okay, I need to work
Bio is my favourite subject. Its also the hardest.. well the subject that requires most work on memorization. However I never seem to have enough time to make notes on the stuff.
I hope to do better.
I need to have faith
You'll see it when you believe it. – dr. wayne dyer.
Well that quote kinda brought me through my day and through the times when I was starting to lose hope…..
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Some people are so amazing
I can't help myself to not put up a blog post right at this moment, however, I think this will be a pure disgrace to the ones I just read.
There are so many amazing, and when I say amazing I mean like people that are so involved, so committed so perfect that it scares me. I envy them.
When I look back at the things I've done. I have no regrets for the past two years. But that's not enough, I need something to be proud of. I need something that I can carry on with me for the rest of my life. I need something where I can connect to the community, where I can develop more bonds, and where I can reach my goals and make a difference.
Being involved simply isn't enough, there are so many factors that contribute to success, and I guess I am where every other teenager is at this moment… lost. – sort of. I'm in the midst of choosing between what I really want or figuring out what I really want or siding with what others want for me.
I just read through a plethora of different achievements and 'things' other people did. And I realized that what I have done is not even close to what they have done. It's scary to think so, but it's so very true. And I'm not saying I resent myself for it, but more so, using this as a lesson, as one of the many lessons I learn throughout the days of my life. It is a lesson to teach me that there is a lot more out there for me than what I simply think there are. That this is not the end. That there never is an end, only a beginning.
I know I can do more than what I have done. I know that I can be better than who I am now. And I know that in order to be that better person, to do better I must make use of the time I have left. I must start now.
Hopefully as the days go by, I will eventually be able to take my small steps and make a big difference.
10/14/10 – 1046pm
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
So today was a pretty normal day. Nothing spectacular happened.
Classes went as they should, although it was weird getting back to the school routine after going for three days without it. The three days seemed short. It was pretty much two days for me because i went back to school on saturday.
Oh i got my netbook fixed. There was something wrong with it and hopefully its all good now. Iunno. although the netbook is a lot slower, it’s easier to carry around and nice to play with. i like it!
though i dont know if it will manage photoshop….
Let’s see, after school today we had a STAND (students taking action for a noticeable difference/ Anti-bullying committee) meeting today. The turnout wasn’t as good as i had expected. And iunno, i dont seem to like it much. Cause its really hard when people aren’t used to the bluntness and rashness of councils. Like they want you to be nice, they want you to let things slide and like iunno, not be so demanding i guess. It’s weird, it’s just they want things done their way, and they want things that they like, and hey, if we do everything their way… what about my way? what about the right way? That just doesnt work
so yeah i hope these meetings get on better. I hope we eventually get to make a difference and that our events are actually successful.
I got home late today, and then i went back out with my mom to future shop and then to rent her dvds. When i got home it was dinner time and then after that i wanted to do homework. So i started looking through the work i had and organized my folders and what not. Luckily i didnt have that that much homework today. I only have to make notes for Biology. But i for some reason dont feel like doing it. When i go to read it, i just get tired and can’t focus. its really bad. i know i need to really pay attention and read up on this bio stuff. but for some reason i can’t seem to concentrate well enough to do so. This sucks.
I want to go take pictures
all of yesterday when i was at home doing my english journals, i was staring outside and at awe for how nice it was. I just wanted to go out and take pictures of the trees, the leaves and the nice day. But of course, i didn’t go. I ended up doing a multiple exposure photo. Which turned out better than i expected, though i kinda slacked off at the end with the pixels and stuff, so just dont zoom in haha
Saturday, October 9, 2010
25th Anniversary
Today was a long day
I did so much
Yet I got so little done
That's a paradox
So this morning I woke up at nine am, sleeping at one thirty last night. I woke up and we drove downtown – thank goodness for my mom so I didn't have to bus and subway down there. I had a meeting with Shamir and the gang for Tedx. Everything's getting together and things are pretty cool. We had a group photo. It's funny to see how university students aren't much different from ourselves. Haha
That went up until like 130, then we drove back to BA. I was late. But no one was there and we were just setting up so it was slow. It was really really slow and boring. There weren't much people either. Then as it got to five pm and it was the mass, more people came in. Then during dinner there were even more people. It was great. And it actually looked like a reunion because people were talking and reminiscing and what not. It was really cool.
Okay, theres more. But I am tired so I have to go~
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Biology; improvement
I'm improving my study habits… slowly but gradually
I actually just turned off my computer but turned it back on to make this post.
Last night I was going to do some math and English but then decided against it and started studying for biology. I know I need a good mark in this course. And I know that in order to attain that good mark I have to work for it. So last night, I concentrated as hard as I can, tried to refrain myself from being distracted and going on the computer or checking it often and studied. I made notes on Nat's notes. I made notes from the textbook and read it for the first time. It actually makes sense. After being in class for all of Sullivan's lessons for Macromolecules and then making notes from his notes and studying for the quiz, I was still unclear of some things. But yesterday I read the textbook and I made notes on everything I didn't know and now it all makes sense. I just have to memorize everything.
The other thing is that I am learning how to make condensed notes. My notes are usually super long, cause I include anything I think is important, even if it's common sense and I know it already. So yesterday's notes were relatively shorter than my usual notes. I also dug up my outline study guide books for biology and I read them on macromolecules. Now I'm just worried about whether I will have everything memorized by tomorrow and the chem. Stuff. I hope its not going to be hard. It's worth four quizzes, which is like a quest, but four quizzes is still four quizzes.
Biology is really fun actually. Yesterday I stayed up till one am reading the stuff and making notes and though I was tired I had to motivate and encourage myself to continue. I even turned my phone off – well off from the notification of texts and emails and facebook messages, but that's a good start!
Anyways, I just hope I do good.
There's also extracurricular stuff. I haven't looked much into some of the clubs and committees I take part in and I feel bad for that. So I have to see if I can further manage my time better and be able to do balance playing a more active role in my extracurriculars and my school work.
Maybe from now on I should do biology homework and make notes and stuff before I do my other work.
Today during English class I think I kinda went a bit overboard with this one guy. I never liked him. I don't like people like him generally. How can you live with someone who can't put their pants on properly, adds in a swear word after every noun they use and doesn't care about anything other than smoking pot? Anyways, so he was put into my group and I didn't know that until I got back because I stepped out of class. So when I got back, he was sitting at my desk and he took my pen and stuff and was using it without permission. Okay, I ignore that because it was a cheap pen anyways and I don't care if I lose it. Then as I talk to a friend he takes my red English folder and starts rummaging through my stuff. That got me mad. I was really not in a good mood and I didn't know or really couldn't control what I was doing or saying. I tried to calm myself down, and I did by stopping myself from sspeaking or yelling so loudly that the whole class could hear. But according to my friends I caught the attention of everyone around me by saying "excuse me, that's mine." Then he ignores me so I get up from my chair and take it from him. I didn't like grab it and yank it out of him or anything forceful. I simply took it like I would take something out of the hands of anyone else. So then I resume my work, not knowing that I caused everyone to look my way. – I was still so upset that I was oblivious to everything around me. I just did my work, without including my group. Actually they didn't answer me when I asked what part they were doing. So I just worked alone. Then as I am reading my essay I become aware that the guy who ticked me off was talking to this other guy sitting beside me about me. He said something along the lines of how I am so protective (different word) of my English notes and that if he took my notes, its like he's taking away my brain or something. It didn't make much sense, maybe because I wasn't really paying much attention but he was saying it in a mocking way and was hinting it at me, though I ignored him.
Okay that was a long story. But yeah, I don't know if I did something wrong there. I'm sure I did, but at that time, that felt right.
"Most people see what is, and never see what can be."
- Albert Einstein
Kay, so I guess it's saying that most people see only the obvious things and the things that are known and don't see what is out of the ordinary. They don't imagine things, they do not look into the future or look at things imagining what that thing would turn into in the future and how it could change and be a lot better and what not. I think.
I'm sure this is a really good quote, I'm just not so sure it fits in with my life at this moment. Maybe it does. Well anyways it's the new [believe] quote. I told myself I would open one if I needed inspiration or belief anytime in life. Especially before tests =] – bio test tomorrow
Good luck to anyone and everyone who has it too!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
A Soft Evening on the Lake
It’s 630, and I haven’t really started my work yet. I have so much to do. But at least I didn’t go out with my dad today, which I was tempted to do. Anywho Glee tonight!
Uhm, well I just wanted to post because of the picture of the boat that I found. It’s really nice and inspiring. It’s now my desktop background. I wish I were able to see something like that. It’s just so beautiful, so colourful and everything!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Need to stay together
I am going to do really badly
I am going to break down
I need help
No one can help
I do not know what to do
I just realized that despite the fact that muskoka was really fun and a good experience and what not it really was not good for my marks. I missed so much stuff. I got to bio today and I had no clue what the teacher was talking about. And I mean its not that I always know what hes talking about but today I was super lost
I had a religion test today which I didn't do good on too, I know it. It surprised me. There were lots of application and thinking questions that I just bs-ed. Then bio. If I did not do the make up test, I think I would've gotten higher, cause I think I would've known more stuff.
Then I realize that we have a bio test on everything I missed this thrusday. And I have a religion project that I didn't even start due on Thursday as well. There is also the loran award application that is due on Thursday. Why is everything due on Thursday.
Then I have extracurriculars, but I am not thinking too much about it. But I feel bad because I need to run it.
Last night I read a prayer. One that I printed off a long time ago.
It was the st. francis prayer:
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.
O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life.
well, the cool thing is that this morning on the announcements, this was coincidentally the prayer they said. So yeah I thought that was pretty cool
and because I was freaking out, I decided to open another [believe] card.
This is what it said:
"Everyday holds the possibility of a miracle"
- Elizabeth davids
Isn't that just a wooow. It fit perfectly too. Unfortunately I don't think a miracle really happened. I still didn't do well on my tests. I think.
I've got so much work to do. I think today was the first day this year that I actually felt overwhelmed, like seriously overwhelmed. I half broke down when I got home. But I refrained myself from most consequences.
I think I understand how people say grade 12 is harder. Like I really don't think the material is that that much harder right now. But I know the workload is heavier. Like we have so much projects, assignments, homework and tests for every subject. And they never stop coming. So we never get a break.
This is enough,
I have to get back to work
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Weekend and the end
Okay, so this weekend was initially very stressful. Then as i got my work done, i went to the mall and out for dinner with my mom. it's been a really long time since we've done that. I felt that although i wasted a lot of time and didn't get much homework done it was worth it. I guess now I've freaked out less. Like this year i haven't really had a time when i broke down. ... yet.