
At times when you think that you have failed at everything, you have really just succeeded. You have realized that you are not perfect, that not everything turns out just right in life.

Think about all the good things you have done, the good times in your life. You have definitely made a difference in someone else’s life, you just don’t know it – I can guarantee it. If you are reading this blog, you have made a difference in my life.

Think about this: How can I do any better? What can I do to make a difference, to help more people, to change the world, one small step at a time?

Think about the future, not the past. Hope for the best, not the worst.

Believe in yourself and you too can make a difference in the world.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Losing it…


For some reason

This is not good

I just kinda freaked out… not really badly but just a bit too much on my mom

She keeps on asking me to help my brother with math, for Saturday school

I don't mind, but like he just doesn't understand the whole lesson, so I'm basically reteaching what the teacher teaches him


I think I got too much stuff to do

Too stressed

But it doesn't seem like I feel stressed

I thought I was handling it pretty well

I didn't like lose it yet

I didn't break down and cry or anything yet


I don't have time for anything this weekend

No more markham fair plans

No more nuit blanche

And not more MADD volunteer…


Oh well,

Back to work

I really need to do well this year, especially with these courses… hope I do well

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Muskoka Woods

Okay guys I'm back! From Muskoka Woods!

In the beginning as you should have read, I was nervous and really starting to regret saying yes to going. But now I regret regretting, it was a waste of time and energy. Muskoka was great overall. I loved it. It was nearly as good as Caledon!

There were so many cool things

I don't have much time cause ive got too much work to do, so I'll just pfn it

Cool story that nearly made me cry at antibullying

Love story about the girl – pictures

Getting to know lots of grade nines

Feel different at the end

Raining, blackout

Changarcia forcing ppl to go out in rain

Everyone participated in shuffleboards

Better than expected trip overall

Great interaction

Its nice outdoors

Lots of nice pictures

Sang on stage o.O

Read prayer on stage during mass

Did things because I felt like it

Danced during the dance !

Self control


Tis the end shall elaborate later…

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Okay so it's the day before I leave for Muskoka Woods. It's funny cause I've been rethinking and stuff for the past few days. And there were times when I was like maybe I shouldn't have said yes to going. But then there were times when I was excited to go.

I don't know. This is all bad

I hope everything turns out right

I still have lots of work to do

Thurs – jam lab for bio & religion test

Friday – calculus test, English test, English essay rough due, bio test, awards thingy, budgets due

I am screwed

The only thing I finished was making religion notes

I didn't even start bio… or English, well I didn't intro, but I've got so much more I need to do!

I don't know how I'll manage

It looks like I overpacked with my super small suitcase bulging open, however I really didn't I packed so little. Anywho

Ill see you guys when I'm dead from muskoka

Its gonna rain, that means mud and yucky stuff

Wednesday, September 22, 2010



Let's see

Todays pretty good

I mean today at school was just like any other normal day but after school newspaper meeting was really hectic cause we got so much people. It's been like that for past few days cause of new members. Thanks to recruitment week!

Yearbooks – need to sign more and get more to sign mine

I have to go to school on pa day for muskoka thingy

Cant go to university fair with pacers then D=

Uhm at home, I wasted a lot of time from 4-530 and then dinner

After I was really productive

Got more don't than I expected. Finished what I had in mind for English. Actually typed up the introductory paragraph for my essay due in two weeks. Need to actually finish outline for that. The essay is 750 words, my intro is 200 words and I haven't edited yet. My editing makes things longer. I can barely keep these posts to 750 words jeesh

Oh for English I even started my cpt. I read my book or started reading it and wrote notes on it! – I never do that!

Bio I didn't start – test soon, jam lab, lots of work. I'm worried about bio mark the most, then math mark. I have to make notes from textbook. Haven't been keeping up with rewriting notes from class either. Not good – I like bio the most, yet I always leave it to the end, thinking id have more time on it or can do it slowly cause I have nothing more to do after, but it never works that way

Religion, end of chapter assignment soon and test soon. Made a list of questions – bombard teacher tomorrow

For every subject, we seem to finish the first unit/chapter/ section thingy at similar times, meaning all the end of chapter assignments and tests are all on the same date

As I predicted, I am not as overwhelmed with work from extracurriculars. Maybe I'm just putting off some of it but also maybe I am correct. I knew that it wouldn't be as busy after recruitment week and it isn't so its great

Luckily I don't really have anything due due tomorrow

The only homework I had is math and I forgot to bring math txtbk home – too heavy but I forgot I had homework

So I'm back to doing bio notes

And this is the last thing I'm doing tonight

Smile~! You're Beautiful and smart and nice and everything else! - Pass it on!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Oh my goodness

Two blog posts a day

Wow this is crazy

I should be sleeping

I watched glee

But I have to post

Because I have to record this down

About my brother

I think he is really stepping into the phase of the transition thingy. It seems like hes really working harder and trying to be bettter. Hes starting to realize whats better for him. Hes getting a bit better, but not good enough. Like I can see how hes really trying to work harder and get more involved its great. Like I cant express my surprise and happiness for that. Also, hes opening up more and talking more too which is great. Hes also trying to control himself and what not

I love this


Back to work

Quote I said to him:

Do enough things to keep you busy, but not more than you need

Getting there…

Okie dokies!

So, I've been sick for quite a while. And according to my last post, you know what happened last night and this morning. I was SO tired this morning at 5, however it got better at school, then I got really tired until after school and then for some reason I was really energetic. Iunno why. I'm weird. Anyways, now I feel really good. Well a lot better than yesterday, though my throat still hurts. I just hope I get fully well soon cause Muskoka soon!

We got yearbooks today! I already forgot about them, but I'm glad we got them. During religion we had a diagnostic test thingy on what we've been learning, but I failed cause I didn't pay attention, or more so I didn't really look over it everyday and did what a good student should have done. But I think it will be better for the test.

In bio we had a lab. Sugar tasting lab. Things go so much better with pacers. It's so much more fun and everything. I wish it was like that every class. But I am starting to worry about bio. I really want to get a really good mark. But seeing as the way things are going, I don't think that's gonna happen. So I guess I really have to step it up a notch and work harder. I mean I want to do bio every day after school, but that's not the only thing I have and I end up putting that to the very end usually and I get tired.

Math was more fooling around. I mean it's a good mix. I listen when I need to… and sometimes I don't cause matt's beside me. But I think I understand everything. I just hope the test thingy isn't gonna be hard tomorrow cause I also need a really good mark for it.

Yesterday I was like. Okay every day after school I am doing homework first thing and not doing emails or extra curricular stuff. Today it didn't happen. Although I didn't waste that much time, I ended up organizing stuff. Argh

Luke Interview, with nat and ben

That was scary! - not…

Meeting tomorrow morning.

Sas today was lot of people

Newspaper after school tomorrow

Still have cookies in locker

Sign yearbooks

Do homework



Wow okay

So on Sunday I wasn't feeling well and I was feeling really tired all day so what I did was go out for dim sum in the morning and slept from 1-4, then at night I went to sleep at 8pm but I couldn't fall asleep, possibly because I slept already.

So I thought that I wouldn't be able to sleep today too, however, that was not the case. I slept from 6-10. Then I realized I had to do homework, then I slept again till 3, and now I'm up… doing bio. I want to sleep, and I think I actually can sleep



Monday, September 20, 2010

Am I too busy? Am I too sick? Am I?

Oh no.

You know what

I'm too busy

I've got too much stuff on me. I have to stop, slow down and delegate! – according to Mrs. Smyth haha

Anywho, there are times when I think I am too overwhelmed with work and that I have to slow down. And then there are other times when I just want more work. Aren't I crazy?

I'm worrying about luke interviews and I don't know why. I mean interviews are great, cause its good practice for the future and I don't have to worry cause if I don't make it then I don't make it. Its kinda good that I don't make it cause then I'd have less things to do, but I also want to make it cause I want to help out with the events that they do. Iunno, this is so hard.

Anyways, I had a bit of fun last night with my camera, I took a picture of the moon, isn't that weird. I haven't had time to do things for me or things that I wanted to do in a long time, even though I didn't have any time to set up and stuff and I just took two pictures it was still good.

I have lots of work and lots of tests and stuff. Why is this the case when its only third week of school? This is what grade 12 is like. But I for some reason am not really worried about that when I should cause it feels like extra-curriculars are taking up most of my mind. It's weird, that's all that I think of sometimes, I'm thinking too much for it. I should start worrying about school.

This is what i do during math class. I try to pay attention, but sometimes its boring and i get distracted. But i feel bad not paying attention. maybe my marks will be affected. i dont like this.

The most sincere people will make enough mistakes to make them humble. Thank God for mistakes and take courage. Don't give up on account of them.

Paul L. Powers

You know what? I love this quote. It's so true. I love to make mistakes… well no I don't. but I love to let god make the decisions for me. Like tomorrows luke interview, I am thinking to myself that if God thinks that I am doing too much stuff and am too busy then he will not let me pass the interviews. Learn from your mistakes and never give up. Real important.!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Party And Sparklers!

Just some more pictures of Nicole's Birthday Party
Fun with Sparklers
First time i took these light thing pictures
pretty cool

Sick & Nicoles

FoooD! Yummy!

Group Picture!

Another Group Picture! yay!

Well, I just came home from Nicole's amazing birthday party. It's amazing because we all just got together and did stuff. It's been a long time since we did that, and imagine how many times more we can do this before we all head our separate ways next year. It's sad and scary just thinking about it.

It's amazing how much we changed. This time there were times when we were just quite, calm and listening. We got together as a group and did things. It's cool.

Anywho, I was really sick this morning and I still feel terrible right now, but I felt bad not going to Nicole's so I went. It was good, I was really tired throughout but I still had fun. We had soo much food.

Okay I'll just let the pictures I post explain, cause I've got the biggest headache, so I'm not gonna type anymore.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Dead /


I'm really tired. And I'm really sick I think. I haven't been sick in quite a while (touchwood). But this time I think I'm sick for a couple of reasons. First of all, for the past few days it's been getting really cold outside and though I wore a sweater, maybe it wasn't enough. There were times when I was shivering. I guess my body just hasn't adapted to the changes quite yet. Then there was this once when it was raining and I didn't have anything but a t-shirt on… so maybe I caught a cold then. And also I've been really stressed out and busy and I haven't gotten much or enough sleep. So yeah, many factors contributing to my sore throat, sneezing, coughing, sniffing and what not.

This morning during first period the teacher had a homework check. Which sucked because I didn't have the homework done. Cause it was assigned two days ago and I wasn't there that day. I didn't bring the book home that night cause I forgot and the next day back to class he didn't check. Then he assigned a section of the homework to our group. So I did that section last night, but not the rest of it. And he decides to check today. Its always like that. Everytime I do homework, the teacher doesn't check, but once I don't do it, they check. Jeez, what's wrong with them. Anywho, I managed to rush it in my messiest big writing and have it finished on time. I skipped majority of it but I wrote a lot so it seemed like I did a lot. Plus there was the sheet where I typed up yesterday night for the section of the work that my group was assigned. So it was all good. Haha

Then there's bio. I always love bio class. It just feels like last year, except I get three pages double sided of notes everyday. Which is great. Cause the stuff we learn about is soo cool and all. I think I want to study that in university. That might be cool. I also liked the DNA and genetic stuff that we did last year. So iunnoo… this is hard

Then there was recruitment week. Today was just very not that entertaining. I didn't do much. Just sat around here and there and talked to people here and there. Didn't go to third though, cause my teacher said it was okay, as long as I caught up. But now I'm worried that I might have missed something and that I might do bad on the test for Shakespeare. And I have to read my CPT book which I'm excited to read but then there's all the university stuff to read up about. Argh

Last we had math. The beginning was fun. We got to sit and talk and do math. Well not really. But if every class was like that, that would be great. And I actually think we might end up getting some work done, depending on the people I'm with.

At the end of the day there was newspaper. Oh my goodness. It was bad. We're just like sitting there and working on the layout and stuff for the 25th anniversary edition for the orator.

When I got home, I felt really bad. Like really sick and all. Then I got mad at my brother because I was really tired and I had lots of work and he asked me to teach him how to do his Saturday math last minute. And I kinda have to do it when I really didn't want to. So I warned him. And I was kinda mean in the beginning when I taught him. Then I felt really bad. So I walked away and I think I'm better now. Self-control. This is hard.

There's so much homework to do and so much pressure to get high marks. I know I'm not the only one who feels this and all but still.

I'm kinda worrying about muskoka too, because I don't think I really know know any other guys so ill be stuck with some crazy grade 12 who can't really put on a shirt properly. Argh. But I hope it will be fun.

I wanted to go downtown tomorrow for the TedEx meeting. I really wanted to go and meet everyone and actually legitly be physically there and help plan instead of doing it through email. But then I got tired and sick, so I decided it's best for me not to go. Cause then tomorrow night I have to go to nicole's party, which I'm excited about.

I'm worried that I'll get my mom and my grandparents sick. Cause my mom gets sick often and easily and it takes her long to get well. My grandparents, well they're old, so its not good for them to get sick. But myself on the other hand, is okay, cause I think I'll get better soon.

Okay I think I have to go do some work now or continue teaching at least.

Bye bye for nows.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Not ready

Today I realized that I am so not ready for university. I haven't really looked at any programs yet and I am still undecisive about which university to go to. Argh this is bad. And I'm worried about the financial part.


Recruitment was bad today, there was barely any people, but it was good because we got to sit there and relax kinda.

Theres also the marks. I did really bad on my math diagnostic test which counts. And I'm starting to worry that if I continue on like this, my top 6 average will be low. Cause really I have to include a science course in their and a math and its gonna make it low. I need to somehow get it together and do better.

I guess really right now, everynight I spend more time doing extra-curricular stuff than I do my homework. So maybe I did join too much. But then I'm saying its okay cause its gonna be worse off in university and also it wont be this bad throughout the whole year right…

I also want to volunteer with youth assisting youth where I have to commit to three hours a week, but I mean, I want to do it cause its cool but I don't know if ill have time

Also I want to reach my goal for volunteer hours this year.


Thisis so hard.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Recruitment week

So what I've been busy working on for the past week or so is a great success imo. I was worried in the beginning cause there wasn't much people who signed up for sas and stuff, but at the end, we had amazing turnout surprisingly. I didn't go to first period. I was fixing the tables cause the custodians arranged the all out of order and I had to fit everything in… then I had to put up signs. I also had to finish elaminating … iunno how you spell it… the bookmarks for stand and sas. I finished but I was late for class. Luckily no teacher has gotten mad at me so far for being late. Everything seemed to go pretty well. During the actual event at lunch was really chaotic, it was tiring… I barely got to sit nor did I eat my lunch, but it was fun. I liked it. Too bad I won't be a part of it next year.

It feels weird because I missed a lot of classes, and it's only in the beginning of the year so the teachers don't really know me yet, and it's kind of a bad impression for the beginning… So yeah, iunno, hope all goes well.

Gotta do some work!

Oh and the other thing… I've been so busy for the past few days, either that or somethings wrong with me because I always forget to bring home my stuff from my locker. And I either end up returning to school or just not bringing it home…

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day One – YAY!

So Day one of school was just


Haha, this morning the whole cafeteria was filled with the energy and joy of students coming back to school. Everyone, well at least I was super excited. First period reminds me of last semesters first period where I had religion. It was boring. We didn't do anything except listen to the teacher talk about the consequences of our actions and backed up his thesises with news clips from the G20 riots and Bp oil spills. Good thing is that this semester I have a few more people I know in the class so I don't have to worry about switching out.

Second period was really great. Its just like last year, except better. Had Sullivan again. I go in class and it just feels so familiar so perfect. Its great, with all the pacers and the great teacher. We didn't get much covered as usual but it was cool.

Third period was pretty much the worstest period. Had Vicente. She, in my opinion is really nit-picky about everything. I thought I was bad. Uhm well, thinking about it again, maybe she's not all that bad a teacher. She's pretty nice. I guess my thoughts were just briefly influenced by the opinions and biases of others. I don't plan on switching out really. Although I want mrs. Thibideau and I was thinking about ap English. But I still think that I will get a better mark in this class. I hope.

Last period was worse than I expected but still good. It's math, I expect a lot from that. Beside matt again, which is cool. Now I got someone to answer all my questions! But the thing is that I am away from all the people I usually spend math class talking to which is sad. And I'm all the way in the corner! No fair! I like it in the middle.

Official Newspaper Editor.

Well I guess this is it. We're in grade 12. Better make the best of it.

Make sure I do good, stay focused and get good marks. Really need to get a hold of everything.

"Ignore people who say it can't be done"

  • Elaine rideout

Perfect quote for this year!


Monday, September 6, 2010


Ohmygoshhness guys!

It's school tomorrow! Already!

Where has the summer gone?

Well actually it didn't really go by all that fast. I've been through summers that have gone by faster. This years summer was kinda weird. There wasn't much times where I said… hmm, nothing to do. It's always, I've gotta do this and that and that and that and that! But yeah, in the end, I didn't do most of the stuff I wanted to do. Didn't even read as much as I wanted to. Which is really bad. I wrote a LOT though. More than I've ever wrote during the summer. Usually in the past summers I would not have touched a pen for such a long time that when school starts, it feels weird to be holding a pen. It's like I have to learn to write all over again. Okay fine, maybe not that extreme but you get the idea.

I got a puzzle from hong kong… it was a small 108 piece puzzle but it was a really cool stitch puzzle with all the little stitch characters in them! So I had to get it. I thought it would take me forever to finish, so I didn't want to start during school. But I wanted to do the puzzle so badly too. So in the end I gave into the temptation and opened the puzzle. Turns out that it was really easy. I actually managed to finish it within 15mins and without looking at the box cause I knew exactly how each character looked. Now I have an extra puzzle frame sitting on my desk – as if my desk doesn't have enough stuff on it already. It seems as if I can fill up my desk, no matter how big it is. I just never seem to have enough room. I don't know how I'll ever survive with a super small desk.

So today was a really slow day. It usually is. I just hang around at home doing nothing. Trying to finish everything up before school starts and usually just preparing myself mentally for school. This year feels different. I'm really excited for school to start back. It's so exciting to be able to see all my friends again and to do all the things I did before the summer. I'm excited!

Okay, back to my book.

Oh by the way. The mockngjay – third book from the hunger games series is absolutely amazing! The first two were fantastic and this one is just as good!

Bye byes

Wait lets see If I can find a picture to post…

Sunday, September 5, 2010

School So SOON!?

Just yesterday i was like oh yeah there are still two more days till school. long time. no sweat. i had so much stuff i wanted to do after i came back from hong kong! and i didnt get to do any of them. Then today it hit me. Tomorrow is the day before school. Scary. No time. What did i do this whole summer? What did i waste all the time doing!?!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Catching up

So it's been a pretty long while since I've posted. The reason for this is because of me being super busy trying to catch up with everything as I got back.

However I ended up doing a few thnings with my dad since I haven't seen him in a month.

So the rest of hong kong was pretty cool. It went by waay too fast. I wanted to stay, but I also wanted to go home. The flight home felt super long cause it was just so boring. Well, what's bad is that I didn't get a chance to finish any of the books that I brought to hong kong, unlike last year. But I wrote a lot. I'm actually really surprised that I filled up practically a whole notebook of journal entries within that one month I spent in hong kong. I actually wrote in it everyday, more than once in several occasions too. I've never been able to do that. And I'm so glad I did.

When I got back, I went to chapters as usual. I got mockingjay =P and a few magazines. Then I went to visit my dad's parents and I showed them my pictures from hong kong. They had so much fun looking at them, it was great. Oh and it's been like more than a year since I've been to their house, so that was pretty cool. I had a pretty good time catching up with my dad, though we didn't do all that much, but it was cool nonetheless.

I don't know how I got to writing those super long posts that I wrote before, cause it sure ain't gonna happen today.

Well, yeah oh I went to CNE yesterday. It's more like dad and son time and like a yearly tradition. We go every year, so we're gonna go no matter what.


Gonna do some reading now

Oh and I haven't packed for school yet

Which totally sucks cause now im freaking out =(

Farewell for now