
At times when you think that you have failed at everything, you have really just succeeded. You have realized that you are not perfect, that not everything turns out just right in life.

Think about all the good things you have done, the good times in your life. You have definitely made a difference in someone else’s life, you just don’t know it – I can guarantee it. If you are reading this blog, you have made a difference in my life.

Think about this: How can I do any better? What can I do to make a difference, to help more people, to change the world, one small step at a time?

Think about the future, not the past. Hope for the best, not the worst.

Believe in yourself and you too can make a difference in the world.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Dead /


I'm really tired. And I'm really sick I think. I haven't been sick in quite a while (touchwood). But this time I think I'm sick for a couple of reasons. First of all, for the past few days it's been getting really cold outside and though I wore a sweater, maybe it wasn't enough. There were times when I was shivering. I guess my body just hasn't adapted to the changes quite yet. Then there was this once when it was raining and I didn't have anything but a t-shirt on… so maybe I caught a cold then. And also I've been really stressed out and busy and I haven't gotten much or enough sleep. So yeah, many factors contributing to my sore throat, sneezing, coughing, sniffing and what not.

This morning during first period the teacher had a homework check. Which sucked because I didn't have the homework done. Cause it was assigned two days ago and I wasn't there that day. I didn't bring the book home that night cause I forgot and the next day back to class he didn't check. Then he assigned a section of the homework to our group. So I did that section last night, but not the rest of it. And he decides to check today. Its always like that. Everytime I do homework, the teacher doesn't check, but once I don't do it, they check. Jeez, what's wrong with them. Anywho, I managed to rush it in my messiest big writing and have it finished on time. I skipped majority of it but I wrote a lot so it seemed like I did a lot. Plus there was the sheet where I typed up yesterday night for the section of the work that my group was assigned. So it was all good. Haha

Then there's bio. I always love bio class. It just feels like last year, except I get three pages double sided of notes everyday. Which is great. Cause the stuff we learn about is soo cool and all. I think I want to study that in university. That might be cool. I also liked the DNA and genetic stuff that we did last year. So iunnoo… this is hard

Then there was recruitment week. Today was just very not that entertaining. I didn't do much. Just sat around here and there and talked to people here and there. Didn't go to third though, cause my teacher said it was okay, as long as I caught up. But now I'm worried that I might have missed something and that I might do bad on the test for Shakespeare. And I have to read my CPT book which I'm excited to read but then there's all the university stuff to read up about. Argh

Last we had math. The beginning was fun. We got to sit and talk and do math. Well not really. But if every class was like that, that would be great. And I actually think we might end up getting some work done, depending on the people I'm with.

At the end of the day there was newspaper. Oh my goodness. It was bad. We're just like sitting there and working on the layout and stuff for the 25th anniversary edition for the orator.

When I got home, I felt really bad. Like really sick and all. Then I got mad at my brother because I was really tired and I had lots of work and he asked me to teach him how to do his Saturday math last minute. And I kinda have to do it when I really didn't want to. So I warned him. And I was kinda mean in the beginning when I taught him. Then I felt really bad. So I walked away and I think I'm better now. Self-control. This is hard.

There's so much homework to do and so much pressure to get high marks. I know I'm not the only one who feels this and all but still.

I'm kinda worrying about muskoka too, because I don't think I really know know any other guys so ill be stuck with some crazy grade 12 who can't really put on a shirt properly. Argh. But I hope it will be fun.

I wanted to go downtown tomorrow for the TedEx meeting. I really wanted to go and meet everyone and actually legitly be physically there and help plan instead of doing it through email. But then I got tired and sick, so I decided it's best for me not to go. Cause then tomorrow night I have to go to nicole's party, which I'm excited about.

I'm worried that I'll get my mom and my grandparents sick. Cause my mom gets sick often and easily and it takes her long to get well. My grandparents, well they're old, so its not good for them to get sick. But myself on the other hand, is okay, cause I think I'll get better soon.

Okay I think I have to go do some work now or continue teaching at least.

Bye bye for nows.

1 comment:

  1. hey michael (:
    Get well soon
    and it's alright self contorl is hard.
    i'm struggling with it too
    guess that's why we have God to puill us through.
    (: YOU CAN DO IT (:

