
At times when you think that you have failed at everything, you have really just succeeded. You have realized that you are not perfect, that not everything turns out just right in life.

Think about all the good things you have done, the good times in your life. You have definitely made a difference in someone else’s life, you just don’t know it – I can guarantee it. If you are reading this blog, you have made a difference in my life.

Think about this: How can I do any better? What can I do to make a difference, to help more people, to change the world, one small step at a time?

Think about the future, not the past. Hope for the best, not the worst.

Believe in yourself and you too can make a difference in the world.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Hotpot outside? xD

Hey guys, so I guess I haven't blogged in a while, but in addition to that… it feels like there is a lot I have to say… but it's hard to get it all out… actually, I think it's impossible. Okay, so today was the VICTORIA DAY HOTPOT which was pretty good. It went through what felt like a lot of planning, which was fun. So what happened exactly today? People were there at like 10-ish to get the tables and stuff. But then, more and more people came, and eventually practically everyone was there at around 12-1pm. But I wasn't. I was late, for once. This is half because I was just late and also because I had to drive all the way down to my uncle's restaurant to pick up some sushi. I didn't order that much because my mom said that it wouldn't be nice to get so much from my uncle, 'specially cause it's for free… so I tried to limit it. But then as I brought it to the park, the sushi was practically gone in like 5 minutes xD

Uhm, well, last year I learnt how to ride a bike which was really cool. Not really the learning how to ride the bike part, but more so how all or most of my friends were so helpful and willing in teaching me how to ride a bike. It was really meaningful to me. I guess I didn't really learn anything this year, but I think one of the highlights was actually feeling more normal and getting a tiny bit closer to some person. Which was absolutely awesome. Oh, and I sung, infront of a few people, which was unexpected but really awesome just the same. Then I got those songs stuck in my head, and I still do… but it's all cool

The other highlight was skipping stones and half-hiking. We went for a walk and we were kind of walking in the forest and near the water and stuff and it was pretty cool. Like really, it's not that I haven't noticed this before, but everyone, and I mean most people… haha, that was contradicting. But yeah, I guess everyone has their good side, but some people is more seeable and present than others. Like seriously, really, so many of my friends are soo cool and so great and so nice and so everything else. It's just amazing. It's like what you can say an honour, or truly a gift from god to be friends or even know them.


Yeah this is a really really really short post, but I've got to go.


"today is a gift, that's why its called the present."

Not only is today a gift, everything that I have is a gift and I think we should all learn to be thankful and truly thankful and take time to think and understand or appreciate what we are given.


  1. i love that quote mike (:
    skipping stones ? i used to do that,
    need to get more interacting with nature again ♥
    thanks for this post (:

  2. ^ short comment. that's a first (:
