
At times when you think that you have failed at everything, you have really just succeeded. You have realized that you are not perfect, that not everything turns out just right in life.

Think about all the good things you have done, the good times in your life. You have definitely made a difference in someone else’s life, you just don’t know it – I can guarantee it. If you are reading this blog, you have made a difference in my life.

Think about this: How can I do any better? What can I do to make a difference, to help more people, to change the world, one small step at a time?

Think about the future, not the past. Hope for the best, not the worst.

Believe in yourself and you too can make a difference in the world.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Arts Night

Okay, so let's start off with the end of the school day… haha, just cause school today, was just … not that exciting =D

So after school there was an Anti-Bullying Committee meeting where I ran for president… and I was kinda nervous, it's funny… I know you won't get it, but yeah it's just weird… but I had enjoyed reading my super duper long speech =D ohh ohh and no one fell asleep… as far as I'm concerned…

Some people asked me to post my speech, so here it is:


School is not just about academics and life is not just about being rich and famous. School is about the experiences, the lessons and the great memories that we make. Life is about making a difference, helping others and working towards our goals. However, all the wishes and great memories can be shattered and destroyed by simple comments and actions that make up bullying. Being a senior student and a part of the school community, I am aware of the different forms of bullying and abuse going on in the school. Bullying, whether it be verbal, physical, emotional or cyber is a form of harm towards another. It can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Countless students and teenagers have experienced the indescribable torture and pain that is a result of bullying. Being fortunate enough to not have experienced such tragic and life-scarring event, I want to do my best in helping those who are or have been victims. I want to be a part of this committee and to work to the best of my ability to ensure that everyone understands the effects of bullying and to prevent it from ever happening to ANYONE. As one that has not experienced bullying, I have definitely witnessed and believe that I am considerably knowledgeable of its intensity and affects. Although I have not been bullied before, I believe that I can still stand up and help others. I believe that I can still be an asset to the committee. By standing up and showing others that I can make a difference, it will allow others to realize and think that they too can do what I do, that they too can help others and STOP bullying. I have attended many symposiums, discussed and read about countless incidents where bystanders, bullies and victims have admitted to bullying. With my connections inside and outside of school along with the nature of my behaviour and personality, I will be able to reinforce and inform the message of anti-bullying to its greatest extent. I know that I can use my leadership skills, my values, my gifts and talents and my insanely organized manner to construct and develop a change for the better of our school. With my lead, I believe that as an organized committee, we can take small but gradual steps and make a big difference.

Tonight was Arts Night. When I first got there, I didn't have high hopes, I wasn't really expecting it to be all that good, obviously with the exception of some people – Ahem Parco, Aaron, Queenie… but yeah. It turned out that every performance, literally every performance was AMAZING!... I regretted not recording some of them.

So I kinda feel like I need to write this, cause it was absolutely hilarious… what happened was Simon and Julia were the MC's and Simon pretended to be a gondolier with an Italian accent and he said that he went out with lots of girls. Then a little kid from the audience yells out "no you didn't!" and yeah that was really really funny and everyone, except my mom, in the audience laughed… I wish I recorded that…

And NAT! why didn't you let me give you a ride!?!? – you shouldn't have taken the bus and stood waiting under the rain =(

Well, arts night really made me realize how talented people are. Everyone is unique and soo many people are so talented and gifted in so many different and unimaginable ways… let's just hope that everyone can use their God-given talents and gifts to the best of their benefit and help make a difference in our world.

Okay, because I promised someone to double up on the quote today, since I missed last times, here it is

The first one is my all time favourite quote… and its something that I follow everyday… or try to at least

"small steps make the biggest difference"

If you haven't already noticed, I usually incorporate it into my speeches and writing… and even the title of this blog. This is because it is so important to me, and its soo true. I sincerely believe and hope that everything I do, all the small steps that I take, whether they be right or wrong, conscientious or not, contributes towards making a difference in this world and in someone's life.

Second quote… let me search for it

"History matters and we forget this truth at our peril."

When I first read this I thought it was pretty cool… that's why I wrote it down, but also it is really meaningful. It randomly reminds me of history class summer school and being historians and stuff. But basically I guess we can all take something out of this quote too. We can all understand, and learn to appreciate the mistakes that we make and history. If we remember everything, all the good times and bad times, the mistakes and good choices, we will be able to learn and experience better experiences.

Okay, ive gotta sleep now…


  1. DEAR MICHAEL ( insert chinese name here ) CHEUNG ! You are one GOSH DARN talented person. I admire your writing skills. ESPECIALLY THE SPEECH ! YOOSH >=[ it's amazing. quite convincing actually. and formal. and now i'm looking at it and drooling on it because it's so good and my eyeballs are about to fall out cause they're " glued" to the page (:

    * TAKES A DEEP BREATH AND CONTINUES " TALKING " * so. I LIEK THE QUOTES (: and umm.... yea. (:

    okay but seriously now. I'm so glad you're able to get a lesson out of everything. or at least bits and pieces here and there in every single blogpost. And it's jsut amazing seeing someone older than yourself, open up, learn and just... grow more everyday. and just adding on to what you said about people being unique, it's because we're all God's masterpiece ( there the girl goes. getting all spiritual again (Y) ). We're perfect the way we are becaue God makes no mistakes. and i knwo i always say it. but it's just... so true that i can't say it enough.

    we're all built differently, which is uber amazing but somehow we all connect, there's something that makes us all go hand in hand, makes us fit together piece by piece ( horrible analogy/ imagery ). like... we're all holding hands, everyone in this world, aroudn the earth we stand, while God is holding the Earth with his Almighty hands. Yup. What a beautiful picture .

    Hm... seems like i got extremely inspired by your blogpost too. see what i mean ? you blog => i get inspired => i blog => someone else reads it and gets insprired... and the chain goes on (:

    Good work mike (: thsis is amazing (:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. TEEHEE. So I guess you still have something against that don't you... I'm sorry Mike! I felt as if I took more than enough free rides from people yesterday, and so I did not want to continue that so I took the bus. Plus, I want to show people busing at night is not SCARY. By the way, it stopped raining after a while, so I was not standing in the rain for long.

  4. -.-'
    but but but but
    i know it stopped raining... i kept an eye out for that
    but it was at night and its scary and cold and you didnt even have a jacket on!
    and my mom kept on asking if you wanted a ride!

  5. NEW POST ! (:
    MAY 14 ^^
    YER YER YER (:
    as you requested, sir (:
