
At times when you think that you have failed at everything, you have really just succeeded. You have realized that you are not perfect, that not everything turns out just right in life.

Think about all the good things you have done, the good times in your life. You have definitely made a difference in someone else’s life, you just don’t know it – I can guarantee it. If you are reading this blog, you have made a difference in my life.

Think about this: How can I do any better? What can I do to make a difference, to help more people, to change the world, one small step at a time?

Think about the future, not the past. Hope for the best, not the worst.

Believe in yourself and you too can make a difference in the world.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I can do it!

For the past little while I have been thinking and wasting time. Haha… I should really be using my time more effectively and taking more responsibility for my work. But here I am once again, blogging instead of facebooking, which is good really at least to me, this seems more appropriate and more better than doing some things dot dot dot

Ohh btw, no more Saturday math!!! Yaya! Its all finished! And I'm happy =D

On Friday, I finally did my English presentation. For the previous few days, Thursday and Wednesday I kinda wanted to go and I wasn't nervous at all, but on Friday when I made up my mind and actually told the teacher that I wanted to go, I was really worried and nervous. That was pretty much my whole Friday – being worried about my English presentation. I was worried that I would stutter, that I would not be as good as everyone else. I was worried that I would not be able to explain things well, that I would have to read off the sheet. I was worried about everything you could worry about. But when I actually got up to present, I felt kinda relieved. Relieved that I decided to present, relieved that I took control of my fears and tackled them. Although my presentation wasn't as good as it could have been and it wasn't the best, I am happy and proud with what I have done. I know there is no reason to worry about my mark now and freak out over anything. I know that I have tried my best – and that is enough… although I could do better next time…

So next week will be another super busy week, and although a part of me is dreading it, another part is eagerly anticipating it. Monday is SAS!! Yay! I'm excited for that cause its been a month since we had the last meeting and there is always so much stuff to talk about and discuss. I just love the thought about telling people about volunteering, although I would love even more to hear about how volunteering has helped others. Tuesday I have the training session for Mt. Alverno with Sister Jackie which I am kinda worried for… well somewhat. Cause I do not know what to expect. I have no clue what we will be doing that day and I hate that feeling! School on Wednesday is what I am dreading, because I have three consecutive tests. I have my religion test because I will miss it on Tuesday, a math test on rational functions and a chem. Quest which is pretty much a test that I am worried for. But after school I will be tutoring, which is exciting cause I haven't tutored in a while… well actually its just been a few days. At night I am having a home visit for YAY and that sounds really exciting =D then the long awaited SCIENCE NORTH TRIP on Thursday and Friday! I am actually starting to get excited for that… I just don't know what we'll be doing as activities – I hope I can actually learn something and help the grade nines out at the same time… they just might be smarter than me…

Then on Monday we have the Caledon trip… which I am half excited for too, but I am also kinda concerned for some of the things we do and whether I will be able to lead properly and be a good enough leader,,, but I guess I will not know until Monday… lets just hope all goes well

Euhh… I will be missing a total of 6 days of school within the next two weeks… that is not good. I am worried because I will have so much work to do and I will miss soo much! I have already gotten some work, but I don't feel like working on it at the moment… and this blog post has taken almost an hour… including the poem…


I have finally written another poem… isn't that exciting?

I was randomly inspired as is the usual case… initially I thought I was just writing a blog post, then it turned into more of a poem … now that I reread it a few times and edited it a bit, it kinda feels like a prayer too… but I guess its more of an inspirational poem… yeah that's what it is.


Well, hope you enjoy it… and listen to it for that matter…

Feel free to criticize it!

But whether it is good or bad, the meaning is still there and should be portrayed pretty well…

So here it goes…

After this…

And this…


Our Potential


We cannot speak what we do not think;

We cannot do what we do not chose;

We cannot have what we do not ask;

& we cannot accomplish what we do not dream.



We can do what we have not been asked

We can do more than we have tried

We can help those who are not worthy

We can thank those who have not given gratitude

And we can love those who have hated.


We have the power to do so -

As long as we believe,

We will have;

The power of words,

the power of choice,

and the will to do better


We all have the potential

to do more than we have done,

to be more than we believe

and to try harder than we have tried.


We are special,




and superior.


we must have confidence,

take initiative,

be determined,


and take control of our lives


in doing so;

we can do more than we have done

be more than we believe

and succeed more than we have ever dreamed.


Well, "you have officially reached the end of this blog post" thank you very much for reading and hope you have a great day!


Anywho, hope you enjoyed reading the poem and hearing or reading me freak out and worry about my week

There is no need for a quote,… poem instead

Hope you all can take matters into your own hands and take a small step in making a big difference.


  1. MIKE!

    awesome-ness! I think I'm the only one who ever comments... >.>

    anywho, nice poem.

    zomg can't wait til SCIENCE NORTH! and yes i'm procrastinating by commenting... ha.ha.ha.

  2. i love the poem mike (:
    quite inspiring (:
