
At times when you think that you have failed at everything, you have really just succeeded. You have realized that you are not perfect, that not everything turns out just right in life.

Think about all the good things you have done, the good times in your life. You have definitely made a difference in someone else’s life, you just don’t know it – I can guarantee it. If you are reading this blog, you have made a difference in my life.

Think about this: How can I do any better? What can I do to make a difference, to help more people, to change the world, one small step at a time?

Think about the future, not the past. Hope for the best, not the worst.

Believe in yourself and you too can make a difference in the world.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Blogging while TVBing!

So yeah, this is the first blog post I've ever written while I am watching tv. But hey, it's the summer time so yeah, I can do what I wish =D

This show is getting creppy, I hate scary horror films. Anyways, let's talk about today. So I unfortunately had to wake up early and went to saint joe's to help out. It was really fun and funny. So what happened was, when I first got there they were working on addition and it was fun teaching them how to do it. They kept on asking to borrow fingers haha! This one kid was really hyper today and it was really funny working with him because he was just super happy and he kept on talking about movies. Soon he talked about toy story three and he said it was really good and then he started pretending to be woody and stuff. It was funny.

So yeah, what's kinda bad about summer so far is that I am missing a lot of outings and stuff with friends. I know I know. It's summer and im supposed to be free and hanging out with friends and stuff. But I guess, since it's the first week, everyone's excited and wants to go with friends, but this week is also my busy week, with volunteering with school and family time. I guess family is sometimes more important to me. Iunno, but still, I feel bad saying that I can't go when people invite me. Cause its really nice of them to remember me and invite me, but then I can't come. Hopefully I'll be able to go more in the weeks to come!

SO after I left saint joes, I went to ba because I was supposed to volunteer with graduation mass set-up. But when I got there, everything seemed like it was finished. So I asked a teacher and she said that I was to help out tomorrow. Soon I realized that there was some mix-up/ mmiscommunication and I pretty much went there for no reason. So yeah. But at least I got my bio textbook for the summer! Lol

Yesterday was also another really fun day with my dad and my brother. I pulled him out of the house! Lol, we went to yorkdale first, then because it was too early for dinner, we went to Fairview cause Hollister had a sale =D and then we went to eat dinner and then wal-mart for groceries. It seemed like just shopping, but really, when I go to the mall with both my dad and my brother, we barely walk in much stores. The stores we walk into are the stores that I say, hey let's check this out and I walk in and they follow. So yeah. But afterall it was good. I enjoyed it cause we had lots of nice conversations.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Shopping, Normal Routines and Volunteer!

So, it's summer right. Finally. But yeah, I didn't do much in the past few days. On Saturday I went to sherway gardens which was really awesome. Not because of the great sales and deals that I got, but because I went with my brother and my mom. I enjoyed it. It was a bit rush though, cause we had to rush back home for three o'clock to get my brothers math school report card. Then we dropped my brother home to play his games while my mom and I went to pacific mall for a spin. There was a lot of people there, because of the taste of asia festival. And guess what/ I saw Andrew and monica and Andrew, and russel and marco and parco there. I also saw freddy and Vivian. That was unexpected but it was cool. Too bad I couldn't stay with them. Anyways, we left and then we went to chapters. That was an experience. I was there for an hour and I bought four books. Then when I got home, I finished reading one of them. =D I read the short second life of bree tanner, however he life was only 5 hours short. xD

Today. Well today was just normal. I went to drop off my brother at fmp to watch toy story 3 with his friends, then I went to Costco with my mom. There was nothing unusual about that cause I go everyweekend anyways. Then I went back to chapters… didn't want to get any more books cause I didn't want to waste any more money, though I think I would have been able to get four more books. Buy three get one free! And tonight we went out to the Keg for dinner, which was yummy!

Lol so yeah, that's my summer so far. Tomorrow I will be volunteering for the first half of the day then going out with my dad for the second half. I'm excited for it!

Friday, June 25, 2010

When you have all the time in the world, but you just don’t know what to do with it

So, really right now, I don't have an excuse to NOT blog.

I'm tired. And I haven't blogged in quite a while. I guess, I stopped when I realized that all that was on my mind and everything that I would end up blogging about is exams. It get's boring, real fast.

Anyways, my exams were kinda good. I guess. Religion exam, my first one, was not as easy as I expected. I mean there were lots of easy parts, however I was not completely confident when I finished. I didn't know the answer to every question. So that to me for religion at least, is bad. Then I had English, which I was pretty confident about. I prepared for it, and the exam was exactly what I had prepared. So I was ready. However the only problem with that exam is that I did the minimal five paragraphs. But I still think its fine. Cause really, that's all the time I had to do. I had an hour and a half. I finished all five just on time. So that to me is pretty good. I mean considering that its English and that every year for English exams I have to rush and I don't do too well on those. Third I had math, which I was really worried about for some reason. I knew I would do good, however, I guess it is because of the fact that it was math and I know that I would do well on it or at least I had to make sure that I would do well on it that I studied a lot and stuff for it. By the time it actually got to the exam the funny thing is that lots of the questions that I practiced the night before was identical to the ones on the exam. And because I was asking people those questions and stuff I remembered the answers =D. Last exam was today's chem exam. I guess maybe I was already in my summer mode which is really bad, so I wasn't really motivated to study for it. But in the end I did end up studying, a LOT, but not enough. So yeah, I went to school early today and I studied along for an hour then with melisha for an hour. And those two hours of studying helped me memorize most of the stuff I thought I needed to know. But then by the time it got to the exam, the multiple choice, as usual, killed me. I was so lost there. I had a habit of putting an arrow or a line beside questions I wasn't too sure of for the multiple choice and at the end I counted that I had like 22 arrows. That means if I got all those arrowed ones wrong I would have gotten 22/40, which is real bad. But then the short answer was also bad, and the problem solving was easier than I expected and I was confident with them. However, the final essay/ lab question was also a killer. I had no clue what I was writing. I think I just ended up writing the first things that came to mind.

I took the school bus home today. That was something new. I haven't taken the school bus home all my life, so this was a first time. I just thought I had to document that. Haha

So yeah, today is the first day of summer. But I didn't really have anything to do when I got home. Well, I should say I didn't really feel like doing anything when I got home. I have to clean my binders up, which I just did. And I also have a few other things that I put aside to do for the summer but I guess, I just don't feel like it today. Anyways, so when I got home, I ate something and then I went out for a bike ride. It was fun as usual. Except today I did something different. I brought out a book and I went to the park and I just read in the shade under the trees. I nearly fell asleep too… that was nice.

This summer I have a lot of things that I want to do. But I know I wont have time to finish all those things. I just hope I get around to at least some of them. Two of the main things are to study bio and calc. I want to make sure im good with those next year. Well, I guess another reason is just because I like them the most. I want to do it, it's fun =D – and yes, im crazy

What else is cool? Well I'm going to sherway gardens tomorrow with my mom AND my brother which will be awesome I hope. My brother never comes shopping so yeah, that'll be an experience. Also, next week I am volunteering/helping out with grad for two days in a row. I am surprisingly half excited for that and half dreading it. Cause I signed up so I have to go. But I want to go. Like I guess, it's summer and it's the beginning, so I'm excited and I want to just do whatever I want whenever I want. But I don't really want to go to grad help. But then on the other hand I really want to help out and I really want to see what it's like. Also I think it will be really cool to see all the grade 12's graduating together. So yeah.

Anyways, that's it for now.

Monday, June 21, 2010


We can't always satisfy our desires;

The road isn't always clear

Small talk can spark up a fire

And that's just not fair.


It's not how I want it to be

It's not as good as it was in my head

Can't you see

I'm hiding in my shed

And it's just not fair!


I want to do this

But I can't take on the dare

And that's how life is,

It's unfair

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Good Progress

Yay! I think exams are finally coming together. I have been mass studying since yesterday… I'm so glad I did. I didn't expect to have accomplished this much… nor did I expect to have spent so much time yesterday and today… although I took a few movie breaks here and there… but still its all good!

I made math notes – lol I think I'm about the only one who does that… I make notes for everything hehe. Initially when I first started studying for math in class I was freaking out or at least really worried because I realized that I forgot majority of the little details that the teacher requires us to put down. So that meant that I had a lot of reviewing to do. But now, after looking through the stuff and making notes and all, everything seems finer.

English… I really haven't done much for English yet and I don't think I will till maybe Monday. Its really bad… but I think it's the least of my worries since its an essay… but its also gonna be hard so I'm still worried but I can't do much about it

Relgiion well religion, I finally finished my notes and I will start memorizing everything tomoro and I have the beginning of Monday to refine my memory… so I think I should be good for that

Chem…. Well that's what I've got to work on next… it's the largest and longest study course for me. I thought I made all my notes until I realized that I forgot something… a whole section! Jeez! Anywho… I can`t even fit everything in one one inch binder which I do for my other courses…. This is scary

Yeah, so for the rest of the few days, my blog posts will all be about my exams and my progress … just cause I need a break every once in a while. And what better thing is there to do than to blog about my progress?

Friday, June 18, 2010

Daddy Day

So, what's really big on my mind right now? It's really not that hard to guess… most of you don't even have to guess, you just know it. Its exams! Boooo…

Thank goodness I have finally started legit studying… It feels like I just started today, but actually, I have already started like taking out all my notes and organizing them and stuff… that takes time, but that's the fun and easy part that doesn't feel like studying. Now I have to make notes on anything I don't already have notes for which is a pain. Then I have to memorize it… which is even more fun. So I guess, religion, I should be worrying about that… I am deep down inside. But really everyone tells me that its gonna be a piece of cake and really easy and blah blah blah… I think it will be easy too… but if I want to maintain my mark, which is below my goal, it will be hard, and I have to study. So I have to work on religion too… and the exam's on Monday.

For English, I'm like half working on it and half leaving it till last minute. We have to write one essay. I honestly don't think I will do well, cause I hate writing essays inclass, its so rushed and bad quality. But I have to make a planner and stuff… guess ill work on it on Monday… last minute…

Math, oh math. Really. I should remember everything, but I'm worrying cause I don't. I don't remember a lot of things that I should remember. So I know that there will have to be some major studying for that, but like it's boring studying, so I don't feel like it either. Guess ill do some of it tomoro and the rest on Monday and Tuesday. But I think math exam will be easy too…

Finally chem…. Really, chem. Should be the hardest and scariest exam. But it's the exam that I want to study for the most. Maybe it's the notes that I made and stuff… it just looks all nice and everything, it makes me want to go read them… haha

So in addition to exams, I'm still thinking about recruitment week, which is really exciting… I got another teacher supervisor for SAS which is really awesome. I hope we can plan an event for that next year. And anti-bullying is getting together, just that I don't have time to work on it atm. Finally OSAID… let's just not mention it… yet…

Uhm, family-wise… well, my dad. It seems as if I always half feel bad for him. Like he doesn't live with me and I know he really loves both my borther and I and he really wants to see us and all. He does, after school, for only the car ride. Which is really sad on his part. Like I want to spend more time with him and stuffs, but its just so hard cause lifes so busy. I know its more important than some things. So sometimes I would not do work and go to the mall with him or something, but its boring for me, I don't enjoy it. Like with fathers day coming up, I'm not even gonna see him. I don't ever see him on the weekends. Iunno, i think life at home is so much more complicated.



Wow, Initially I was like… I don't know what quote to put… but as I started reading this quote book… the most amazing and like perfect timing quote came up

So here it is;

"a father is a fellow who has replaced the currency in his wallet with snapshots of his kids." – author unknown

Wow … isn't that something

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ex – kill me - ams

Today we had the first student government meeting. It was pretty awesome. I loved the organization and the amount of people that turned out – it was great! I seriously hope that I'll be able to speak out more and like we can all work together and get some good stuffs done for next year. What I found out was that next year's grade 9 orientation is august 30, 31st… which totally sucks because I just realized that I'm still in hong kong. Or at least on the plane. This drove me insane for a good half of the day yesterday. I really really really enjoyed grade 9 orientation last year and next year will be the last time I can help out, but I cant… =(

Okay so let's skip school cause it was just tests and quests and stuff which were not NOT fun.

When I got home, I resumed my usual routine of going out for a bike ride. It was really hot outside… and I can ride with one hand! I think I'm getting better… I need to get even more better though. Anywho, what I wanted to say was that I feel really bad and things just feel wrong. It's nearly exam times. My exams are next week which is really really soon. And the bad thing is I don't feel like I'm really in exam mode yet. I haven't seriously started studying for exams. What annoys me is that I have to go through so much note-making and stuff before I can start reading notes and memorizing stuff. I really NEED to start. I really hope I WILL start.

Like for exams, I heard from people last semester that the exam was really easy. Then from my teacher saying that it's the type of exam that someone can do really well on… but does that mean I don't study? – NO, I still have to study… but how much… it's hard, cause if the religion exam was like his tests… then that means that I have to memorize stuff and there's a lot of stuff that we covered in religion class. Then for math exam which should be a piece of cake that doesn't taste good, but cake nonetheless. I think I forgot a LOT of stuff from the semester that we learned in comparison to the things I forgot last semester which is really scary. It means I have to really start studying. This semester's marks is supposed to bring my average up but now it seems like its gonna bring it down. Academic math is not good, I cannot get 100… I know I cant, which is not good not good at all. As for chem., well I'm getting low enough… lower than a lot of people and its really upsetting… but iunno, maybe I just don't have the smarts to handle it. And English, well, its basically an essay exam which is inclass which I suck at. Because I take forever to write essays at home and any inclass essay stuff is really not good. So yeah I really don't think I'll do too well for exams, but I sincerely hope I do. Let's just try my best and study study study!


"Even when the times are tough and things don't seem like they're going the way you want them to, keep trying, be persistent and you will see the sunny side soon!" – Me =D

Monday, June 14, 2010

Wake me up

Yeah I have a lot of stuffs to do today. But before I complain about that I want to say that I think life is too jam-packed for me. It's not good. I came home with the most massivest headache ever. Probably because there's no air conditioning in my house. I came home then I went out for a bike ride. I was in pants and it was super hot. Then when I came home, it was even worse than outside. At least there was wind outside… at home there's nothing. Well there is. My grandparents turned on the air conditioning and set the temperature for 25 degrees, but then turn it off in the morning and back on at night. The problem with that is that I have an old house and the air conditioning is really slow and not cold at all, especially for the upstairs. Setting it for 25 degrees is hot enough but the thing is it doesn't even get to 25 degrees, it's more than that. Also they turn it off as I mentioned, and it takes the whole day pretty much to get the coolness upstairs but the air conditioning doesn't have the whole day since it's turned off everday. SO yeah, it's super hot here. I decided to get some rest, maybe 15 minutes, I lie down on my bed… when I sleep on my bed, it takes me a good half hour to fall asleep. In five minutes time my cell phone rings and it's my mom freaking out about her dinner because she apparently lost it and thought myself or my brother took it. But I knew it was in her compartment for the car and she found it. That ruined my sleep. So I try again and when I fall asleep my house phone rings. It some stupid advertisement person. I fall asleep again and my cell phone rings… euh. I thought it was my alarm to wake me up, but really it has only been 20 minutes since I started sleeping. It wasn't my alarm, it was my dad calling to talk about something that's not important. Then I told him I'm sleeping in a mad voice because anyone who wakes me up gets an angry reply. I went back to sleep and in two minutes time the house phone rings AGAIN! ARGH! I pick up, because I know that if I don't it will just keep on ringing, and if the person's persistent they will dial back since my brother never picks up the house phone. It's my dad. He said he called my brother's cell phone to talk to him but he didn't pick up and called the house looking for him. I told him to try his cell phone, but he wouldn't and he made me get up. SO I got up and went to get him. So It's about the second time I got up and 5th or 6th time the phone rang and I haven't even had a decent sleep. So I'm not gonna. I dislike this. Anywho, there's my rant for the day or the month or the year.

Ya know what… in the beginning when I first started blogging I was pretty upset. I mean you would be if people kept on waking you up for random nonsense. But now, I'm all fine. I think I'm happier than usual too.

'guess blogging has some mystical effect. O.O


No quote

I've gotta go study for chem

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Shop Card Dilemma

I shouldn't really be blogging right now, I should be doing work. I just randomly ended up here… or so goes my alibi. So it's Sunday today… boy did the weekend pass by quickly.

On Friday, I went out with my family (something that like NEVER happens) to watch Karate Kid Qk and then we went to eat dinner. It was pretty cool. I haven't done something like that in like years. Cause first of all, my parents are divorced, second, my brother hates to watch movies, but for some reason he wanted to watch karate kid so we were able to go. Then I went to future shop and markville again. Hehe

Yesterday I stayed home the whole morning. I was supposed to do work since I stayed home, but I didn't get as much as I wanted to get done. I ended up taking random pictures of things since my camera was beside me… and I'm slowly learning how to use the functions on my camera! =D … hmm, let's see if I can post some of these pictures on the blog…

Then I went out again to watch Prince of Persia with my mom cause she really wanted to watch it. She has been bugging me for weeks now, so I finally decided to watch it with her. The movie wasn't bad, it was pretty okay… predictable but still good. As the movie finished I walked out to the concessions area and this guy infront of my (mind you, there was a whole line of people, so some guy infront of me, I don't know which one) dropped something. I heard a card drop on the floor. And of course, I proceeded to pick it up to hand it back to him. (It was a shop card) but as I picked it up the person who I think dropped it went down the stairs already. I went down too but was far behind him. As I got down, I couldn't find him anymore… so I didn't know what to do. Keep the card or give it to one of the people who work there. The reason why I'm mentioning this is because it reminded me of my English seminar with the theme of conscience. So I guess I didn't really do the right thing, I kept the card. Cause I was thinking that if I gave it to some kid who works at the theatre, he might have kept it for himself… maybe this is an excuse that I developed but iunno. Anyways, I put it in my pocket and the whole car ride home I was praying and hoping that the card was empty so that the guy who dropped it wouldn't have lost anything. So first thing I did when I got home, I took out the card and realized that there was an amount written on the back… it said 120. And I was like OMG, oh no… so I double checked by checking the amount remaining online and it said that the guy used 120 dollars on shoppers. So I was like oh jeez, thank God, what a relief. So yeah, guess that card was empty afterall. I'm safe… and my prayers were answered =D


Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care. – Theodore Roosevelt

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Busy but Exciting

Oh jeez, sorry, this has been one of the longest breaks between my posts. Just been waay too busy for the past couple of days – will explain later. I just have so much stuff that I'm currently working on and even more that's going on in my mind. I seriously hope that I can get it all down on the computer. Don't wanna forget any of this stuff.

So, looking back on my calendar, let's start from Monday. Monday the only thing that I can recall that's important was markham village library volunteering orientation and interview, which was pretty cool. I guess, now, interviews aren't as intimidating as they once were. Which is really good.

Something else that has been pretty big and new to my routine is biking. =D Every since I started biking last Friday, I have been returning home eager to go out for a bike ride at the park. I'm slowly but gradually learning how to bike better, but I still can't make those turns… anywho, it's some great exercise and nice to just relax and let my mind go free and just wander about in nature. The main reason why I took the initiative to start learning to bike and actually doing it is for the Duke of Edinburg award. However, I don't know if I'm still gonna continue with it, due to the outdoor adventure thing. Cause it's hard for me to do biking for it since I'm still really bad at it, however, the people who are doing it with me are pushing me to bike and I don't think I can, and also no one is doing any research for the location and we don't have much time left until the date I want to do it. So there's this chance that I might not pull through with it, which is unfortunate, but I've still gotten a lot out of it. I still hope I can continue to do it though… iunno, we'll see

I don't know if you've realized, but majority of my posts and the things that I talk about are not about academics, they're the extra curriculars. I've just realized that… and it's not a surprise, but still I just thought I had to mention it. Cause like extra-curriculars are soo much more important than academics. I was talking to a friend the other day and we were saying that if the work that we do for the extra-curricular stuff would go towards our academics, wouldn't that be great? =D

So on Tuesday after school we had an OSAID meeting. Yay! It was fun, mrs. Smyth made cookies, which were yummy! So about the meeting, we didn't get much or anything really covered but a lot of my friends wanted to join and run for an exec position and the president is making them write speeches and actually have an election. Honestly, I have a few choices and biases of my own. This is before their speeches, but this is not because some are better or closer friends than others. I like being fair, I think that one should run for a position if they think they best suit it. And I choose or want someone to be in a position because I think that they are suitable for it.

Okay, I'm getting tired and bored of this… let's talk about something different. So today, I was at Markville and I saw Mrs. MacDonald! Isn't that so awesome! Anywho, we talked for a good 45 minutes and yeah it was really cool. It's really nice to be able to catch up and talk to someone you haven't seen or talked to in a very long time.

This morning, I went to an OSAID meeting with the school board and I thought it was really really really awesome. Although it was small and short, it was informative and organized. I think that every council should have something like this where there is a centralized focus. This will allow schools all over the place to collaborate and exchange ideas, in the end, it will just benefit the students.

I think I mentioned this earlier, but if I didn't here's a recap. So basically, a few months ago I came up with this idea for a school event. Basically it's like a university fair kinda thing but instead of universities, it would be the clubs and councils. I thought this would be a great idea to help the little clubs and new committees to promote themselves and get new members. But then, I just kinda left it sitting in my head and didn't do anything with it until I went to the BAM retreat where I shared it with my group and the rest of the students. Then I told my teacher about it and she loved the idea. She then passed it on to other teachers and the vp during a staff meeting and they really liked the idea too. But then, today, during the Anti-Bullying meeting, my teacher was talking about it, and she didn't know that it was my idea. I guess this isn't right, but I just couldn't help but feel a little upset with the fact that no one really knew that it was my idea. And I think I should take some initiative to get it going and start working on it… it's hard with all these events and stuff cause school is done next week.

Alright, there's more I want to say, but it's 8 and I haven't done any homework, so I have to start. I'll post later or soon, I hope.


"Life is never boring, but some people chose to be bored. Boredom is a choice." – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

This is a pretty cool quote. And it's really true, you don't have to be bored, you can look at the bright side and find opportunities and exciting stuff in every moment.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

There’s No Going Back

Instead of a post today, since I'm too lazy, here's a poem that I was inspired to write =D

I wasn't intending on writing something like this… I was focusing on something else… how you can't go back… like if you say something or if you do or didn't do something, you can't go back no matter what… that's where the title came from. I made the title first, I usually don't do that. Then I wrote the content, and this just came out… not what I had intended but it's still good.


Being in a situation

Where we think

We have no choice


If we do this

Something bad might happen


If we do that

Something even worse might occur


But if we don't do anything

We will never know

What will occur


05-06-10 – 11:01pm

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Little Things

Let's start with yesterday….. well, yesterday wasn't all that well… I failed my G2 as I mentioned earlier.

I guess the failing part wasn't the bad part… it was facing the people and stuff after that that is bad… but it wasn't as bad as I expected… actually, it was fine…

After school we had our first official anti-bullying meeting… and we discussed different ideas and stuff… and some people had some really great ideas… I just hope we can do them all and actually make a difference and raise awareness to this cause =D

So today, I go to school super tired, and first period didn't help either, because we had a supply teacher and I didn't have much work so I was just bored… so I texted Sharyn and Celine XD

During Chem class, Tori, Melisha, Heather and I played a game and we planned out our lives in twenty years. So basically, we predicted what the other person's life would be like 20 years from now… so that was fun

Uhm, I guess the highlight of my day today was learning how to ride a bike. I learnt with melisha and heather… then we rode from her house to swan lake and back… and took lots of pictures, which was really cool.

I think life should have a meaning… we should all find a meaning in our lives…

Notice the little things in life… the big things are obvious and the impacts are big… and obvious too… but the little things, though not usually mentioned… are the important things… they are the things that take the most out of us… they can do the most talking, the most inspiring and make the biggest difference… take some time and pay attention to the little things that go on in life


The little things in life


Wake up

Look in the mirror

And see a familiar friendly face


And it will grin back


Go downstairs

Cook some breakfast

Bacon and eggs

You will notice

That it too is smiling back at you


Leave the house

As you walk around your neighbourhood

Look at the sun

Then the tree

And back at the sun again

Isn't nature beautiful?


Walk in the school

Take note

Of all the students

Happily engaged in their conversations

Of the couples

Cuddling against each other


Walk around

Say hi

Get a 'hey'

in return


Go give

Anyone a hug

Send the message

Of love around


Life is full

Of energy

Of love


If we take the time to

Reflect, respect and return

To a balanced state of mind

We see

The little things in life

04-06-10 – 10:25pm



"If you think you are too small to do a big thing, try doing small things in a big way."

"I have no yesterdays. Time took them away; tomorrow may not be – But I have today!" – Pearly Y. McGinnis

The little things

Let's start with yesterday….. well, yesterday wasn't all that well… I failed my G2 as I mentioned earlier.

I guess the failing part wasn't the bad part… it was facing the people and stuff after that that is bad… but it wasn't as bad as I expected… actually, it was fine…

After school we had our first official anti-bullying meeting… and we discussed different ideas and stuff… and some people had some really great ideas… I just hope we can do them all and actually make a difference and raise awareness to this cause =D

So today, I go to school super tired, and first period didn't help either, because we had a supply teacher and I didn't have much work so I was just bored… so I texted Sharyn and Celine XD

During Chem class, Tori, Melisha, Heather and I played a game and we planned out our lives in twenty years. So basically, we predicted what the other person's life would be like 20 years from now… so that was fun

Uhm, I guess the highlight of my day today was learning how to ride a bike. I learnt with melisha and heather… then we rode from her house to swan lake and back… and took lots of pictures, which was really cool.

The little things in life


Wake up,

Look in the mirror

And recognize a friendly face


And it'll give you a grin back


Go downstairs

Make yourself a breakfast

Bacon and eggs

You will notice

It is smiling back at you





Little things can make a big difference

When we're having a bad day

Or when things just don't go well

We want someone or something

To cheer us up

We want to have things our way

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Brighten up someone's day

Give them what they can give you

Spread your happiness



Look at life

Through the eyes of a smile


When you are faced

With obstacles and hardships

Don't worry

Let your stress fly by




When you notice

That life is starting to get boring

That the day is slowing down



Life goes on

No matter what

The clock keeps ticking

So smile

Before you can't no more


Be happy,






You're there

After all the uncertainty and the worry

You're doing it


It all feels right

Not worrying like you did before

Just finished the first task

Piece of cake

It was fine


Next thing

Do as he says

Everything will be alright

Slight mistake

But its all good

Nothing bad



I can do it

Ive been doing fine

I will do well

I can do it


Make a left turn

Yes, it's good, I can go

- no you can't


The first mistake

You failed


Why did I do that

I should've stopped





This is all bad

Why does everything else go wrong then

Jeez wake up

This is all bad

Why did I do that


I thought I did right

But I guess not

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Go and do what you want

Today… let's try to recall what actually happened. It seems for some reason as if everything just goes by so fast. It's good but its bad….

So today we had the math contest breakfast. Which is really cool as usual =D You get to miss class and hang out with friends and blah blah blah… but today, something was different… I somehow managed to pull a lesson out of it. There were awards being handed out… and I guess, some people, including myself, did not get an award, but others who we do not expect to get an award, did. And initially I felt kinda bad for myself, like I felt that I should be able to work harder and get the award and all that… then I realized… as I was thinking to myself that maybe I didn't deserve the award and they did. Like they do a lot of work, they put effort into their work and academics… I do too, but not as much as they do… maybe that's why they got the award…

Someone from where I volunteer called me up yesterday telling me that there is this leadership training opportunity for teenagers in the summer. And she called because she thinks that I would be a good candidate and asked me if I was interested. I still don't know what the program is called, but it sounds cool and it's for free! It's in Michigan, you go for a week and everythings paid for you. I really kinda want to go. But I don't know if I will be chosen. The company only has one spot and there are lots of great people involved with the volunteering and I think that I might not have a chance. But either way, I should keep my hopes up and just hope for the best. If I get it then I get it… if I don't then maybe there are better lessons for me to learn here at home….

Okay, I'm getting lazy…

Ill stop here

Talk tomoro… or a later time!


"If your ship doesn't come in, then swim out to it." – Jonathan Winters

This is so true, and reminds me of things that happened in my life. Really, we should all just take matters into our own hands. Do what we want to do. Take initiative. Work towards our goals. Don't wait for obvious opportunities to pop up, search for those opportunities! There are many out there… just look and you will find them!