Hmm…. I don't know why I decided to turn on my computer and write this post
But something did
So I am going to type
Basically I was just rereading a few letters that some special person wrote to me a long time back. It's really quite an experience to reread, remember and almost relive the moment. It brings back many happy memories as well as troubled ones. It makes me think. Did I make the right choice? I don't know. And I will never know. But we've all moved on, or pretended to for that matter. I've suffered, pretended to be okay, hidden my thoughts, still hide them now, and recovered. But that's life. And that's the cool thing about it. We will all face obstacles, and we all have the strength to overcome them.
Next time you are faced with an obstacle, look towards it as an opportunity. A chance to redeem yourself, to prove to everyone that you can do it. To show yourself that you are capable. To keep up your self-esteem. Think of it as a stepping stone to something bigger, something stronger, to the future YOU.
….. ….. ……
I am really thankful for everything and especially for this summer. No matter what happens from today on, I will still be grateful to be able to just let go of everything, of all the stress and all the worries and just enjoy myself and enjoy life. It's been the longest time since I've been able to just sit down and do whatever I want without worrying about unfinished work. Now, not only can I choose wherever I want to go, and do whatever I want to do, I can relax and do it with the people I love. Every night I can stay up late and read. I can sleep in and not worry about being late for anything. I can do whatever studying I like, whever I like. Basically, I'm in charge, for once.
I'm really enjoying this summer. I feel like I'm back in grade 8 again, where I was able to do whatever
It's good good
But I'm also hoping that I continue to do what I hoped to do this summer. It doesn't seem like I will finish anything, or much for that matter – I guess ill just have to work my hardest
Im excited for hong kong. =D
mike, why hide your feelings? Why pretend to feel a certain way when you feel another? Is this productive or even worth doing?