Feelings hidden, emotions forbidden, a poem/ prose is written
At times when you think that you have failed at everything, you have really just succeeded. You have realized that you are not perfect, that not everything turns out just right in life.
Think about all the good things you have done, the good times in your life. You have definitely made a difference in someone else’s life, you just don’t know it – I can guarantee it. If you are reading this blog, you have made a difference in my life.
Think about this: How can I do any better? What can I do to make a difference, to help more people, to change the world, one small step at a time?
Think about the future, not the past. Hope for the best, not the worst.
Believe in yourself and you too can make a difference in the world.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
oh and i didnt overdose.. though i was going too... o.O
My previous trial version of Microsoft office expired so I couldn’t really blog when I came back
But I just got the new 2011 edition =D
So now I’m back on track and ready to roll!!!
I’m sick.
Not good, really not good. I was really set and excited to do some work today but then I got sick. I haven’t been this sick in the longest time, I usually don’t get this sick… touchwood. So I didn’t get any work done. Though I did take a picture… or two
I had an okay time during the cruise, which was unexpected, but now I kinda regret going, because I have so much work to catch up on because I only had a week to do the work.
I had a good time the past few days going out with my parents… I don’t know how many more of those days will come in the near future…
I don’t know what else to say any more
I’m tired
So I’m going to try and do some work.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Just one more day.
It’s nearly Christmas.
Schools nearly over and I’m nearly off on my cruise.
Last night was good, but it was also bad. I didn’t do any homework whatsoever. I spent the whole night making Christmas presents. I did a total of 58 cards and about 30 something gifts. I wrapped them, made them, wrote in them, etc. All last night. The bad thing is that it didn’t feel like it did before, years ago. I lost the happy excitement of Christmas. – I recall someone saying that as you get older you long and wish and just always reminesce in the past and in those memories, the feelings of the past. Similarly, that’s what I am feeling.
I’ve got lots of work to do over the holidays. And especially because I will not be there for one week, it will be even more hectic when I get back, because I have to hang out with friends, do all more work, prepare for exams, prepare for the stuff coming up and also to finish university applications.
During English class, we were having our CPT presentations. Luckily I got chosen to go today, because if not I would have to go to last period tomorrow and sit through all the presentations. I presented, not prepared because she didn’t give me any notice, llike she did to everyone else. But luckily I think I did good. There were times when I was stumbling and I was unsure of what I was to do next, cause I guess I didn’t play it through in my head well enough yet. However, I wrote a poem. What I was really surprised was that I was able to read the poem exactly as I imagined it. i.e. with all the emotions, expressions and changes in my tone of voice. Not only that, there were some times when I was so into it that I wanted to do the actions too! I don’t know what went into me, cause I mean, I was presenting in front of the class and what not, so usually I’m nervous, I stutter and I get red. But I guess it was pretty good this time.
Katie got in to Carlton! That is so awesome! I am so happy for her. She tells me in the morning and her face just brightens up. It’s really cool. She deserves it. She’s one of the few people in this world who … I don’t even know how to describe it, she’s just really honest, really awesome, kind, true, compassionate and everything great!
Well, I hope I will get an acceptance letter from McGill. I really want to go there.
I got chosen for the Casey’s Choice Award.
I am going to go eat dinner now.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
so soon
It’s not that bad
It’s only 141 am
Im really tired
But I still have a lot of things to do
Im really starting to get excited for the holida
But its surprisingly close..
Its like a few days from now
Im not ready
Things are going by so fast right now
I cant even see it coming!
My English cpt presentation is either tomoro or Thursday
I think I can present tomorrow
Just to get it over with
I made a cake
Out of beads
I spent three hours doing it
Mostly cause I didn’t know what I was doing
I had to come up with the pattern and idea myself
Which was a bit challenging
But I did it
And it looks cool
I need to do math
I haven’t worked on math in the longest time
I need to do bio
I don’t do bio till I have to
Which is really affecting my mark
During the holidays
I shall finish or at least start =P
Homeostasis notes
We drank red bull in bio today
Everyone says it tastes bad
So I was worried about it
But it didn’t taste THAT bad
Its okay
Ill chat lateer!
Monday, December 13, 2010
its 2am
I am starting to sleep later and later
That is really not good.
I had a lot of work to do today, mainly because I didn’t follow my ‘perfect world’ schedule and wasted lots of time yesterday. So I basically did one assignment yesterday, and everything else I left for today. But today I wanted to go to Costco, and do the normal things that I usually do on Sunday, other than homework. But that didn’t work. So I stayed home and wasted time and did my work.
Its scary to think that the year is almost over. It’s scary to think that its nearly Christmas. I am going on a cruise next Sunday. It is less than a week away. I usually get really excited about it and look forward to it. But for some reason, this year, I haven’t really I guess have the time to absorb everything that happened and actually start feeling happy about it. I know I will have a good time, but I also anticipate all the work that I have to do when I get back. There is quite a bit of things to do.
I was gonna blog a bit longer
But I can’t
Cause I realized that its 212 am and that means that tomorrow morning I wont want to wake up, nor will I want to go to school, but I have to. Then ill be really tired throughout the day and when it comes to my math quiz and English in class essay which I haven’t prepared for, I will not do good on. And tomorrow after school I will feel tired and want to take a nap, and if I do I will be up late again to make up for the time loss from taking the nap and get tired the next day. And the cycle goes on.
Oh jeez
Its nearly Christmas
Friends are awesome
So is snow
And family
Sunday, December 12, 2010
another day gone
I shouldn’t be online right now. I shouldn’t be doing this either.
It’s really late… or should I say early. And I’m starving! I should have eaten more at KBBQ.
It’s been one long night, but today (Saturday) was pretty awesome throughout.
This morning I did math, then I went to lunch with my mom. We went to mong kok, then to the bead store so I could buy some beads to make the angels that I needed to make as Christmas gifts. I decided to make angels for some people because I wanted to give them angels, but for others, I just decided it would be easier than making anything else cause it doesn’t take as long. I spent 75 bucks at the store buying enough material to make 20 angels. That would amount to 3.75 for every angel. At first I thought that was pretty good, but then I start to think, and now it seems a bit expensive.
When I got home, I was supposed to start on my religion film review that was due Friday but I didn’t have to do it cause I wasn’t in class on Friday. I ended up spending two hours making 12 angels. I will post pictures soon. I started doing a bit of the work. I watched glee… the Christmas episode and it really reminded me about Christmas and made me want to do something with Christmas. Then I went out for KBBQ with my friends. It was a good time.
When I left, I lfet early and I went to chapters to get a gift card, then to wal mart to get some candy canes and then back home.
I really enjoy going out with my mom. Even if it is just to run errands. We do it every weekend. It’s great. Many times I tell her that I finished more than I have done of my work or that I don’t have much work left and go with her. However I know that both my mom and I will miss this little ‘tradition’ next year when I might not live at home.
Anyways, I made more bead things as gifts for Christmas tonight. See, I’m worried about STAND. Like I really want to make things for it. However I gave all my santa clauses away so I couldn’t make any and I decided to work on my Christmas presents instead. Now, I can tell for sure that we will not have everything finished on Monday. So I don’t know what to do. And I can’t help to make more now, just because I am so busy with catching up with all the school work that I missed and didn’t do today.
Anyways, I guess I can’t really do anything about it. I just don’t want to face my teacher advisor. Oh and the other thing I sort of sense is that lots of the members, and the people part of it, don’t seem to show much of a dedication towards it. I mean I’m not the most committed to it, but I try… they do too, its just that sometimes I guess I don’t feel it enough. And because of that, I find it hard to work, hard for things to happen, and things to go well.
More stress
Christmas is here!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
hope for the best.
I typed a few blog posts throughout the week about several things that happened… several bad things. But for security purposes, they are saved on my computer, and will not be found online.
I feel like I needed to do a blogspot.
About everything
About life
About loving
About Christmas
About time
And about me
But I will do that later
Now im tired
But I just wrote in my journal for like an hour… so yeah, I have pretty much exhausted all that I have to say.
I have lots of homework this weekend, but who doesn’t. I just hope we can all get through this year, without holes and broken bones. I hope that we can do well and succeed.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
being thankful
Sunday, December 5, 2010
rewind please
I just came back from Costco
It’s great
It really feels like Christmas is here
But it really sucks
Theres so much to do
So much to worry about that we cant really absorb all the Christmas spirit
That we cant really be ourselves and be happy for Christmas
The best part about going on a trip or celebrating something is thinking about how great its gonna be and imagining it, the second half is the actual thing itself
So if that’s the case then really, we should be able to get some time off, just to spend with our family and friends to think about Christmas to just rejoice and have fun
Were growing up so quickly
And time is flying by quickly
We really need to take some time to rest, to think and to absorb everything that’s going on in our lives
But its hard
It really is
Saturday, December 4, 2010
I was really tired last night so I didn’t go into much detail with my post, so let’s do that now.
So yesterday I went to the cafeteria in the morning during first period to study, and I was there with the pacers. Sullivan came too, just to answer some of our questions and he told us that it was a hard test, that there was a lot of things we don’t expect and a lot of picky stuff. So we were all worried, and there was so much stuff we didn’t know. He gave us the option of writing the test on Monday… I was half tempted to but at the time I was worried that I would forget the stuff I have already memorized over the weekend, it would screw up my schedule and then I wouldn’t have time to study for genetics, which I am not as familiar with as I should be.
So in the end, I wrote the test and I guess, it wasn’t the best thing ever. There was a lot of things that I did not know. I guess I don’t necessarily regret doing it, but i guess im just hoping then to do really good in my genetics test to make up for it… but I frankly don’t think I’ll do really really good for my genetics test. Which is not good. So I must study for that.
I wrote my novel review for the great Gatsby in class yesterday. I prepared for it at home, so I was prepared. I memorized and remembered everything I had planned and I wrote it. I liked what I wrote. I finished early and I had time to reread it and I wrote more than I needed to. So everything seemed pretty good for that part. I just hope I get a good mark for it. Cause I really need those marks.
Math – she taught something that made no sense to me whatsoever. Then matt, beside me, was deriving the formula that she was trying to get to and even the teacher was like iffy on what she was doing, and matt got it. Good for him, but that makes it worse in the sense that I will never do as good in this stuff as I wanted to.
After school, I went home and just organized my stuff.
Then we went out for dinner with my grandparents. But the atmosphere to the place was not the best and greatest so it wasn’t the best dinner ever.
Then we went to markville to buy some Christmas presents. I didn’t buy much presents, cause I really haven’t thought of presents and what I needed to get. But what I did enjoy doing was going to the bookstore to pick out some books. I saw a few friends there and it was a pretty good time.
Then I went home and slept. So that is that.
Today I had math tutor
Then I went for lunch
Now I’m back home
And I’m doing math again
But I should do bio.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Hard work doesn't pay off...
I slept at 4am last night, or should I say this morning
I even skipped fist period to study for ecology
But I still did bad
Lots of work to do this weekend
And next
No time to blog
Gotta sleep
Thursday, December 2, 2010
For once I made a study plan schedule thing
Yesterdays math test was the worst test so far this year
I don’t know
I didn’t even have enough time to finish
Nor did I understand half of the questions
I got my journal back
Did worse than last time
Have a novel review
In class tomorrow
Im going to do bad on that
Im supposed to be studying ecology
From 4 till dinner (530)
Then dinner from 530 to 6
Then English from 6-7 … hopefully it doesn’t take an hour
Then nap for a bit
Then from when I wake up till early in the morning – study!
Im not going to first either
I have to study
I need to do good in bio…
Wish everyone luck who’s studying for a test tomorrow!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Well, ain’t this lovely, it’s 2am in the morning…
But that’s not the best part, the other thing is that I am super hungry
Im starving
I want some garlic bread
No wait
Chocolate lemon cake
No tiramisu
No rice
No im so hungry
And typing these foods aren’t helping
Well I studied for math… a LOT
I think
I hope its enough
I don’t know
I should do all my homework from now on
This way I don’t have to freak out the night before the test
I hope I will be good for tomorrows test
I have one period and one lunch to study for it…
Argh im hungry
My stomach is GROWLING
Randomly I felt the need to do another English journal, so I did. And I finished my last one. This means that all I need to do is edit. And I shall edit it tomorrow, and finish all my editing and what not tomorrow. Then that will leave tomorrow to prep for the novel review and a bit of tomorrow and the whole of Thursday to study for ecology.
That is not enough time to study for ecology/ there are so much things to know
I mean my notes are 49 pages afterall
I feel bad
I haven’t applied to any scholarship that I am confident in getting
I applied to two
One of which I didn’t get for sure
And the other one I am 99.99999999999999999999999999% shure I didn’t get
Now that means I don’t get scholarship money
I should have applied for more
I guess there’s still time, but I mean, there aren’t much scholarships that are good that are left
This is bad
I don’t like this
And I am just wasting time
Right now
Im really tired I think
I want to do Christmas cards
That would be so much fun!
I hope I have time to do that this weekend!
That would be the best thing ever
It’s always really exciting and fun to do Christmas cards!
Let’s stop here, because if not, I will never stop.