Feelings hidden, emotions forbidden, a poem/ prose is written
At times when you think that you have failed at everything, you have really just succeeded. You have realized that you are not perfect, that not everything turns out just right in life.
Think about all the good things you have done, the good times in your life. You have definitely made a difference in someone else’s life, you just don’t know it – I can guarantee it. If you are reading this blog, you have made a difference in my life.
Think about this: How can I do any better? What can I do to make a difference, to help more people, to change the world, one small step at a time?
Think about the future, not the past. Hope for the best, not the worst.
Believe in yourself and you too can make a difference in the world.
So I finally get the computer again!
Yay! … so yeah, since the last post, I've been going out alone a lot. It's fun. I just go to different malls and do whatever I want. It's so much easier and greater than Canada. Like if you're in Canada, I would usually just stay home unless I have a ride or something from my parents. I would rarely take the bus. But in hong kong, you can get everywhere you need to go with the mtr subway. So its super convenient.
Anywho, I got lots of stuff… a LOT of pens and stationary =)
Hmm… there's not much to talk about so I'll talk later.
Okay, so let's talk about japan before i get into more detail about the past few days. Japan was really cool. I actually really enjoyed it. I want to go learn Japanese now! I've always really respected or appreciated people who are kind and nice mannered, namely Canadians who say sorry to get a sorry in return. Similarly, Japanese people are just as kind hearted and helpful and nice if not better than Canadians. So it's really cool to get to know them. At this store, I was squishing packages to try to feel which object was inside. Normally when store people come and see that they yell at you and tell you to not squish them, although I don't see why I can't. But in japan, the people asked me if I wanted them to open another box for me to find and squish more packages. Can you believe that!?
Anywho, there were a few hotels, since we had to switch hotels everynight, that were really bad, like muskoka woods clean and other hotels were like top notch Sheratons. So yeah, there was a bit of everything. We went to hellokitty land which was like sanrio-mania and there were a lot of picture taking opportunities. They were basically just snapshots though cause I could not take a decent picture without someone getting in the way. We went to a place similar to wonderland which we did not enjoy because we don't go on any rides. Went to Disneyland which was really cool. Got lots and lots and lots of stitch stuff which I will post of picture of soon enough. Also, we went to temples and things which was really cool too!
Anywho. That's it for now. Back to talking to sean =P
oh by the way. pictures on this post. the first picture is of all the stuff that i packed for japan. haha. the second one of the sunset is one of the most awesomest sunsets that i have ever seen. i saw it at the first night in japan with a great view. i took almost one hundred pictures of it. but this was the best natural pictre (one straight from the camera) i still have to hdr some of them. the next one of the dragon is from the temple where you scoop water to wash your hands for some reason that i dont remember (cause i wasnt paying attention to the tour guide. i was taking pictures) and lastly the picture with the plane wing is the sunset view from the plane. i made everyone in my row get up so i could take the picture but then half way through i realize that i didnt have autofocus on so i had to retake the picture, cause some of it was blurry with manual focus.Hey guys!
Okay, from now on, I shall speak in hong kong time.
Anywho. So my trip so far. The flight was terrible. I missed the first flight, actually they changed the time without letting me know, then I got on another one and because it was connect flight, the connecting flight got delayed 5 hours so I basically wasted the whole day doing nothing. Also, because I am staying at my uncles house for the first week and it's not the cleanest here, I couldn't sleep. So the first night in hong kong was also a sleepless night.
What's bad is because my brother is here with me, I can't just leave whenever I want o go wherever I want. I can do that with my mom because we are used to it, and that's exactly what I did last year. But with my brother here, we can't just cause he's not used to it and he doesn't like it much too.
Hong kong hasn't changed at all since I was here last year. I shouldn't come too often. I shouldn't come next year. I don't get that excited and omg feeling that I got last year. Same with my mom. Like its really cool here and stuff, but it just feels so regular. Cause it was just one year ago since ive done this. The malls and stuff are all cool. I took a lot of pictures yesterday at causeway bay – times square. Last night was really bad too because the three of us were really tired since we barely slept the night before that we were half dead when we got home. Also, my uncles house is on floor five and we have to walk five floors up on the staires and theres no ac.
Anywho, no more… typing is too loud for sleeping bro and uncle